[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5RY6ghJ.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=6f4a50]Event:[/colour][/b] Metropolis [b]|[/b] [b][colour=6f4a50]Location:[/colour][/b] Wánggǎng, ReTan[hr][hr][/center] Maura raised an eyebrow as they seemed to appoint Yalen as the leader of this little troupe, especially as the blonde boy appeared out of his depth. Maura rolled up beside him with a smile beamed toward the [i]deputy[/i] Governor Hou Jianhong, the translator Jiang Xiulan, and the others assembled to greet them. She leant forward in a bow-like gesture as she spoke up to put her Retannese classes to use. [colour=C0C0C0]“你好。我的名字是商人莫拉。龙湾岛岛主。”[/colour] Whilst the speech is a little stilted, hopefully it will increase the likelihood of there being positive opinions of the group, and her especially. She started to follow suit with the others in the company, greeting them one-by-one, allowing for them to introduce themselves whilst providing a suitable name and title in Retannese. Yalen: [colour=C0C0C0]“五人信仰的亚伦弟兄”[/colour] Trypano: [colour=C0C0C0]“炼金术士特里帕诺”[/colour] Niallius: [colour=C0C0C0]“光辉之剑的尼亚鲁斯”[/colour] Abdel: [colour=C0C0C0]“调查官阿卜杜勒”[/colour] Ingrid: [colour=C0C0C0]“海巨人英格丽”[/colour] Rikard: [colour=C0C0C0]"雷霆天空的里卡德"[/colour] Kaureerah: [colour=C0C0C0]"海科雷拉之声"[/colour] After the official introductions, she allowed the translator to continue her work. She smiled and nodded, [colour=C0C0C0]“We think your Avincian is good. Hope to learn Retannese as well as you speak it.”[/colour] Maura smiled and greeted Wu Long warmly, taking his hand. [colour=C0C0C0]“Culture and Respect are important. We are honoured to be introduced in such a respectful and hospitable way. We aim to use the opportunity here to learn more about it, and perhaps share our own.”[/colour]. Whilst it was easy to do pleasantries, the idea of a group of students being expert traveller hunters was rather concerning, also the pang of ‘from your homeland’ felt like it was subtly accusatory. [colour=C0C0C0]“Evil does not concern itself with boundaries. We will assist the best we can.”[/colour] [hider=Translation Cheatsheet] [b]Intended / [s]Google Translate[/s][/b] "Hello. My name is Mercador Maura. Owner of Longwan Island" / "Hello. My name is Merchant Mora. Owner of Longwan Island." "Brother Yalen of the Faith of Five" / "Brother Aaron of Five Faiths" "Trypano the Alchemist" / "Alchemist Tripano" "Niallus of the Radiant Sword" / "Nyarus of the Shining Sword" "Investigator Abdel" "Ingrid the Sea Giant" / "Sea Giant Ingrid" "Rikard of Thundering Skies" / "Ricard of Thunder Sky" "Kaureerah the Ocean's Voice / "Voice of the Sea Corella" [/hider] [hr][hr]