[center][h3][b]Volantis[/b][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wpAMRiD.png[/img][/center] [right][sub][@LadyRunic],[@Apoalo] & [@Almalthia][/sub][/right] [hr][hr] The Lady Lyra of House Rahl looked out over the inner-city of Volantis and sipped the wine that the Westerosi man Damon Harroway had brought as a gift. Having let it breathe had settled the flavor to a sweeter red that was not unpalatable but it was no Volantene red. Swirling it around in her mouth she held a few drops testing to see if it changed the feeling of her mouth or that it tasted odd. Finding neither happened and deeming the wine safe, Lyra swallowed and turned her attention to the maid that was in the room with her. Lyra’s knowledge of poisons and toxins had saved her family more than once and she passed this knowledge down to her children. She was proud of all of them for their diligence in education. [color=#DDA0DD]“If you would please make sure that you bring up the fruit from the cold storage, some cheeses and cold meats would be excellent. Oh and that wonderful spiced sauce that we received from that Dornish merchant that practically robbed us and some of Cook's famous pocket bread. Thank you Myrna.”[/color] The maid smiled as she bowed and left to fulfill Lyra’s request. Turning Lyra placed a carafe of the wine only about half full and another carafe of cool water. Hearing the door open she watched her husband, Darkin Rahl, and Damon enter the chamber. She marveled at how her husband had only grown more handsome the older they grew. His hair had lightened to a silver from the deep shadowy ebony that he once had. She thought it brought out more of his Valyrian heritage and the color suited him. [color=#DDA0DD]“[i]Issa jorrāelagon[/i]. Lord Harroway. I have sent for refreshments and there is some wine that was gifted to us by our guest, as well as water.”[/color] She indicated elegantly her gown a beautiful lilac color that was light and airy perfect for the weather. [color=#FF8C00]"What is wine but poor fare against your beauty?"[/color] The charming rogue bowed to the woman. His movements and words are graceful in the games of flirtatiousness that bordered on the edge of courtesy. In truth, he could see she cared for her husband, something his father's second wife and the wives of his sons lacked. Not one to turn down the offer Damon poured a second goblet and offered it to Darkin Rahl, before taking his own. Dressed in clothing that was fine, if holding the scent of sea heavy about it, Damon knew he was a striking figure. He enjoyed being so. Let Jon handle his priggish nature, Damon was a man of the sea. [color=#FF8C00]"My Lord, My Lady. It is ever a joy to see good fortune and health has favored you both. Though perhaps it could be presumptuous of me to assume such? Tell me how Volantis fairs? I heard our exiled Prince came past on the Black Dread with an intent to burn that dread into the hearts of the Dothraki."[/color] He mused, [color=#FF8C00]"My dear sister's husband. A mighty man."[/color] Striding through his manse, Darkin Rahl, the Patriarch of House Rahl and Triarch of Volantis turned just slightly as he reached a door and allowed a polite smile to cross his lips. His visitor, a charming rogue named Damon Harroway passed by him and spoke to Darkin’s wife, the ethereal Lady Lyra who still controlled and held his heart. The man's words did nothing to cause Darkin to feel jealousy or disdain. He simply accepted it and filed it away as a notation on Damon’s personality. One of the many notes the Triarch had on the pirate. He accepted the glass that was offered and politely gave a sip which he did enjoy but Darkin never liked to drink during or before business. [color=#9932CC]“Your words are welcome, Volantis is as profitable as it ever was and the Rahl family is thankful that that continues. But as with everything it still takes hard work and good decisions. I believe we have come to one of those decisions. As for the Prince, he and our Dragonlord are old friends and I’m certain that what they get up to will be for the good of Volantis in the long run. But we are in a position to talk about you. Please, remind me again of what it is you’re searching for and be plain.”[/color] Darkin’s eyes found Lyra and silently communicated that he wished for her to take the lead. It was common, Darkin preferred to sit quietly and judge responses. Smiling at the men Lyra launched head first into the conversation. [color=#DDA0DD]“So Damon,”[/color] She focused her sharp edged charm on him using his first name with a cavalier attitude that was meant to flatter him with the intimacy. [color=#DDA0DD]“Now that you’re here and enjoying our hospitality…”[/color] She with a look to the servants who discreetly appeared brought the requested vittles. She loved it when Mryna made her look magical, granted the servants were all trained to be light on their feet. Her children rarely got things past herself or their father, too many ears and eyes that moved as silent as cats. [color=#DDA0DD]“Have we satisfied your curiosity and are you ready to discuss business?”[/color] Indicating the provisions Lyra offered him bread and salt as an opening to denote and invoke the right of hospitality. [color=#DDA0DD]“I recommend coating the pocket bread in the Dornish pepper sauce and adding cheese and some of the meat into it.”[/color] Damon did as instructed with a chuckle. [color=#FF8C00]"Indeed we shall."[/color] A Knight of the Seven he was sworn to the faith, the son of the Lord of Harrenhal he was sworn to the King on the Iron Throne. Yet to many he was simply a trader and adventurer. To himself and others he was a terror whose words held the weight he wanted it to. Leaning back in the seat, the second son of Harroway, sighed in pleasure. Chasing the bite with wine. [color=#FF8C00]"Always you have the finest of choices, but I shall spare you my humble words and direct myself to business."[/color] Business. It was so very simple. He wanted wealth, land, fame, power. Damon wanted more and higher than he had. [color=#FF8C00]"To business, I am looking to invest in land, titles, the like in Essos. There are two Uncles and at least two cousins set in Harrenhal. For a castle so large, it has been getting crowded."[/color] His smile was lopsided, and he hooked one leg over the other. Letting the wine swirl in his goblet. [color=#FF8C00]"Of course, I do not ask for charity. I have my trading fleet. A sister who could be offered in a marriage. Gods know, I'm the only one in the family who would look for a good husband for the poor woman. My ties… There are benefits."[/color] He raised the goblet to his lips, sipping at the wine now. Inwardly Lyra smirked. [color=#DDA0DD]“Titles are easily bought as well as land. Depending where you go you would possibly be welcome but you would be new. Which has its advantages and disadvantages. My recommendation is to marry into an [i]old[/i] family.”[/color] She let him digest that bit of information as she pulled apart a piece of pocket bread dipping it in the Dornish pepper sauce. [color=#DDA0DD]“I will warn you that no matter how much you are liked you will not truely be accepted. If my guess is right then you do not really care. Which my friend is lucky for you because we have the means to help you.”[/color] Leaning in, Lyra reached for a slice of cheese and popped into her mouth enjoying the creamy texture and nutty flavor. [color=#DDA0DD]“You mentioned a sister? We could sponsor her and introduce her and yourself into Essos society.”[/color] She looked over at her husband. [color=#DDA0DD]“[i]Gevie mēre[/i], what say you? That is quite a responsibility matchmaking between a Westerosi woman and Essos man. It could work. You would need to marry as well. Afterall family is more trusted than a stranger.”[/color] Before Damon would be able to speak, Darkin would then cut in. [color=#9932CC]"The offer is as follows. House Rahl accepts your ships into our shipping fleet, allowing them the same safe passage as afforded unto us. The profits go entirely to you on the condition that if we need to use your ships for our own products that profit is ours. None of your ships may partake in… Illegal activities while flying our flag or while carrying our cargo. After a time your ships will slowly integrate into ours as you find more and more success here. Let's say some ten years? You will be expected to support us in Westeros affairs and assist in alliances that we attempt there. In return, I offer the following. There is a stretch of land outside of Volantis towards the old Ghiscari lands. Close-by is our property, it would be simple for us to purchase it and then give it to you. The land, along with a hundred slaves, whatever household you wish to bring, whatever guards you wish to have will be yours to rule. House Rahl will take no profits from this land, it will be entirely yours. This will make you a property holder within Volantis and will give you the right to vote."[/color] After a brief pause, Darkin continues gruffly as if an afterthought. [color=#9932CC]"You are free to court and consider one of my daughters but it will be their choice in the end. Your sister if you wish to bring her will be given a similar choice in one of our sons but again. It will be their decision. If, however, you wish to move things further along and not start at the very bottom. My sister is a widower and might take you. Our arrangement with the ships and trade will remain but you will simply be family and your profits will be our profits."[/color] As he finishes, Darkin discreetly shoots a rapid glance to Lyra and the corners of his mouth twitch. [color=#9932CC]"Thoughts thus far?"[/color] Damon listened to the opportunity. His face a polite mask of interest. It was not a overly bad idea, though he found it lacking in his favor. More reins to tug him about, the man thought with minor annoyance. But he had been ignoring such all his life. Why stop now? So long as he kept his less than legal affairs on the down low, possibly let the Ironborn men take the blame for what his little pirate fleet did… It was possible. [color=#FF8C00]"Intergrate after ten years you say? I like my ships, Lord Rahl. I'm not of the mind to give them up, why not a joint interest? I keep my ships, while I aid you in your endeavors. I will even suggest you speak to the Arryns, the Lords of the Eryie have possible suitors for alliances.”[/color] He considered the option of the man's widowed sister. Perhaps she would suit for an Essosi wife. His own did not need to know, nor did the Faith. If in the end he managed to wed the Lady Vittoria Tyrell? Damon smiled. [color=#FF8C00]"It is the only part of the plan I see issue with. Though I could concede half my number to integrate with yours."[/color] If he got land out of it? All the better. If he married the woman? Well then, he would have to modify his plans. It would be no qualm. Though getting Elayne into position would be. Here she was a beauty and his sister. A pawn, despite Rahl's words. Elayne would do as she was bid. Darkin's polite smile remained on his lips as Damon spoke and honestly only those used to dealing with the man would know just how offended and infuriated he was. The temptation to seize the man's ships himself crossed his mind and then perhaps to simply buy out his crew members and leave the westerosi with nothing but empty ship parts came to mind. But no, Darkin merely tilted his head and leaned forward. Ever so slightly. [color=#9932CC]"You Westerosi are all so confident. I admire this in you. Coming to a strange place so far away from home and making a living selling to such powerful people that you know nothing about. It takes courage and a will to survive. The docks can be such a dangerous place as well, but your crew I suppose is quite the seasoned bunch, they like to stay at the pig and whistle isn't that right? Usually drunk until about noon when you begin patrols up and down your property which I'd located in a few nondescript warehouses until you manage to sell it."[/color] Darkin's eyes were playful as he spoke then, still leaning forward and tilting his head. Not a single other movement was given. [color=#9932CC]"Lucky for you that you have such a good ally in the city. Someone who has sold your goods, funded some of your expeditions and considers you a friend. So much so that he offers you a very large piece of their plans. A way to earn a place and become a Lord. Even offered a shortcut to get there. What a good friend hm?"[/color] He chuckles a bit and shakes his head. [color=#9932CC]"But, alas that ally can't abide by pirating, especially if they were to be funding so much. So, are you certain you wouldn't like a few more moments to consider the deal offered? The generous and exceptional deal given to such a good friend?"[/color] Taking note of her husband’s disposition Lyra sat back and focused on Damon. His facial features, body language, his breathing and his eye movements would all tell a tale she was read to hear. She did not need a dragon to get the truth from a man. They shouted it loud and clear, if one listened. It was bold as brass that Damon thought he could go up against a House that had been playing the game for over a century. Giving him the benefit of Westerosi arrogance she doubted he did his due diligence in researching just whom he was dealing with. She on the other hand had been more than busy looking into Westeros for most of this boy's life. She knew about the pirating and while they, Darkin and herself, had decided that was not to be turned over to Maegor or anyone else who would string the boy up; as of yet, they still held the information. Perhaps it was a youthful mistake since his crew were stupid enough to open their mouths to whores and tavern keepers in both Westeros and Essos. Damon really did need some friends. Lyra had pointed out to Darkin prior to dealing with Damon that it was probably something done to toss in the eye of his father. Hearing him negotiating cinched that opinion. If he were younger they would not have been as harsh. Sadly indulged and neglected little boys still needed to know the harsh reality that no one was above the law. Darkin was livid when she had revealed the pirating. They had lost ships to pirates, such was the way of the sea. While they both knew that, it still made it a blow since they were the ones that had to inform families that their loved ones had not survived. They always took in the sailors' families and provided for them. Some, like Myrna and her three children, stayed with the Rahls and others took their support for as long as their pride could stand. Lyra understood but she kept an eye on them still. Sometimes an otherwise rare opportunity presented itself to the families and at other times perhaps they came back from market with more than they anticipated; small little windfalls that made sure they were taken care of. Again Lyra thought of the fact that she did not need a dragon to make significant changes in lives. [color=#DDA0DD][i]Let the dragon riders keep their beasts. Gods know if Cassie ever got a hold of an egg. The things that keep me up at night. Besides my husband.[/i][/color] Placing a piece of fruit in her mouth Lyra watched Damon casually. [color=#DDA0DD]"We take care of friends and family who make rash hot headed decisions so that they can keep those hot heads. [i]Especially our family.[/i]"[/color] The intensity of her silver gray eyes with a touch of blue was so powerful it was like looking at a queen she-dragon. This woman knew that if he chose the wrong path that his fate would be sealed. She let him know it in that look. A look that brought with it a full conversation with a mother that was disappointed but gave you the opportunity to correct your mistakes, but with one option and one option alone. The words were not lost on Damon. He did not even blink though there was a tightness in his jaw and hand. His confidence shifted before it was restored by his own force of will. So, his men apparently had talked? When he had given specific orders for them not to? To impress the wenches? Other sailors? Well, in the end it would not matter. Weighing his choices he knew the opportunity out weighed the petty game he played. It was time to be the good lad and come to heel. He was young. He had time. [color=#FF8C00]"You just forgive me, it is ever the merchant to seek a better offer."[/color] He shrugged with nonchalance and to loosen stiff muscles. [color=#FF8C00]"Of course, refusal would leave me out of such a good bargain. What better option than to agree?"[/color] And what choice did he have? This would give him land, some good management of it and he would have the wealth needed to convince Lady Vittoria to marry him. Once done, he could take his three wives and enjoy life. Though, absently the man felt a pang of sorrow for Minisa's pale form. She had never recovered from the birth of his son. [color=#FF8C00]"I shall accept and pay court to your lovely sister, praying she will find my humble offerings acceptable."[/color] And if she was acceptable to him? She would come with Rahl family and Rahl money, she could look like a pig and still do. [color=#FF8C00]"A good woman can cool a young man's hot head."[/color] He amended with ease and gave a smile to that ice queen sitting across from him. Damon had already made his mistake, Darkin no longer trusted him. And one didn't do business with someone you didn't trust, at least not real business. He would inform his sister of the slights the man made and make sure she kept a good eye on him. Damon could still be useful but he had lost his chance to ever be a true ally. His sister, or others? That was still up in the air. [color=#9932CC]"Glad to hear that you've reconsidered, as before you are welcome to stay here as a guest. Thank you for your time."[/color] It was a colder dismissal than usual, and Darkin made a mental note to make a few of the Damon's crew who talked disappear. They would be useful to his cause if Damon did decide to try something very stupid.