[color=silver][center][h2][color=#595555]πΉπ‘’π“π“π“Œπ’Ύπ“ƒπ‘”[/color][/h2] __________________________________________________[/center] Oh. Right. [i]Garrock[/i]. Fellwing had all but forgotten about him, and what blissful ignorance it had been. At the sight of the old coot - and then again as he opened his mouth to complain - Fellwing had to fight back a visible frown. At the very least, Skobeloff was quick enough to steal Garrock's attention, giving the Seer some time to gather herself. But though she managed to maintain a neutral expression, she kept fiddling with her claws and swishing her tail, impatient and annoyed by a yet another delay. A most useless delay, at that. As the grumpy fool redirected his attention back to the rest of them, prattling about how he hoped they'd been useful, Fellwing mustered a smile so polite it teetered on unnatural. [color=#595555]"Likewise," [/color]she quipped, [color=#595555]"I do trust that a capable dragon such as yourself made good use of [i]all the time we took.[/i]"[/color] She raised a claw, hoping to intercept him if he were about to go on another spiel.[color=#595555] "[i]And [/i]that you understand we've no further time to waste here. Any further chitchat can be done on the way. We have drakes to rescue."[/color][/color]