[hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F8D10D][center]Father C[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/44/8c/c4/448cc454303341f932288a81f813c9e2.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=F8D10D]Location: Arkham, Massachussets, United States of America. [/color][/b] [b][color=F8D10D]Hit Points: 12 Sanity Points: 51 Luck: 50[/color][/b] [b][color=F8D10D]Mental State: Sane[/color][/b] [b][color=F8D10D]Skill: EDU Roll [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/24971]83[/url][/color][/b] [/center][hr][hr] Most times some controlled breathing or a little bit of prayer was enough for Charlie to clear his mind, of which he found himself needing to do more and more nowadays; tonight though a walk was in order. As he sauntered up and down Arkham's streets he thought a bit on the downward tendency of his mental state. He should be happy (or at least relatively so) now that he had a job once again, no longer a vagrant in priests clothing wandering in search of a new purpose. However the once holy man had found the downtime his new profession seemed to afford was doing more harm than good. Blips and snippets of nightmares would worm their way into both his waking and slumbering mind making his question their validity and if they were some way to deal with the shell shock of war or his time in Alberta or perhaps they were more genuine and less subjective visions clawing their way back into his conscious mind. Father C stopped this train of thought as he approached closer to his, for now, home. His walk proved to be less useful than he'd hoped so rather than waste the energy, the would-be holy man decided to retire for the night. Entering his nice (enough) apartment, Father C locked up the many locks on his door, dropped his keys and wallet on his dresser and looked to his bed, its warm embrace calling out to him. As he sat down though his mind began to drift once more to his musings earlier in the night which drew his eyes to his Rifle displayed prominently on a rack on the wall. Father C wasn't a fan of violence since the war, he wouldn't shy away from it though and it never hurt to keep one's means of defence in top shape. Pushing back the deeper thoughts on his own mental well being, Charlie stood up and took his gun down along with his tools for cleaning the armament. Before finding god this was about as close to prayer that Charlie had and even in his current state, cleaning or working with his gun was a tried and true method of keeping his mind off of anything but it. In a matter of moments though, Charlie's eyes were assailed by sunlight and he found his rifle looking as good as new in his hands. With an unintended smile, Charlie rose from his seat to put the gun back and headed once more for the door, only popping back into the apartment to release some caught bugs into Fred's enclosure before heading out proper. Charlie extended pleasantries to his neighbours as they did the same but turned his full attention to fiddling with his keys to retrieve his mail. His eyes lit up a little as a letter from TIME graced his tired face. Finally he'd have something else to keep his mind occupied. [hr] Charlie rode his bike into work this morning, hoisting it up and through the doorway of the agency's front as he heard Miss Babson speak. [color=F8D10D]"Thank God. Been itchin' for some work around here, hard to not feel a little useless when you're just waltzing around town all day trying to keep busy, eh?"[/color] Charlie replied, leaning his bike up against the wall in the front office as his eyes fell on the clock. [color=F8D10D][i]Cripes, really need to get a watch or somethin'[/i][/color] the pastor thought as he rushed for the back but made an effort not to disturb the meeting's current attendants. It seemed like he was one of the last to arrive so the pastor quickly took his seat as Harry spoke. On the topic of this Mr.Cornthwaite, Charlie was as hopeless as a rat in a trap. Nonetheless, Father C tried to compensate for his tardiness by giving the produced papers a once over and add to the conversation at hand. [color=F8D10D]"I may be readin' a little too far into it but Mr.Cornthwaite was last seen on the 7th but we the letter from Mr.Dodge was sent at the end of the month. I know people don't go missin' over night but that seems like quite a while to sit on suspicions of such a man goin' missin' even if the police were involved."[/color] Father C paused for a moment before turning to address Harry more directly [color=F8D10D]"we got any idea when the sheriff made his investigation? My point might be moot if nobody thought Mr.Cornthwaite missing till later."[/color] Giving the paper clipping a deeper look as well, Father C quickly chirped up one more point, addressed to the group as a whole [color=F8D10D]"Also, I'd like to take a look at the library at some point. Might be worth rifling through the the donations Mr.Cornthwaite made, assuming it wasn't all monetary of course."[/color] Father C slumped back in his chair a bit, not wanting to remove himself from the conversation at hand but also not wanting to dominate it, Lord knows he was prone to it. As he sat he wracked his brain on the Dodge Brothers. He could have sworn he'd heard that name before but maybe he was just mistaken... [i]REQUESTING TO ROLL EDU CHECK FOR INFO ON DODGE BROTHERS[/i]