It didn't take James long to hear about the commotion in town and it took him less time to jump into action. He'd lucked out by not having anything on the agenda for the day, simply spending it mulling around home and taking a load off after an eventful weekend. The calm was luckily interrupted by some real action with the flash of lights seen from his home's window and an intercepted call to the police. Rushing to his wardrobe, James removed the faux back panel to reveal his costume, of which he quickly donned. There was another flash as James scrambled upstairs and onto his roof. Through athletics, trial and error James now had a good idea of how far he could leap roof to roof before needing to clamber back down to street level and make the rest of his journey the layman's way. Luckily for James his route let him stay atop the building until he was a block away from the commotion. Deftly moving down to the street, James would lurk around the corner or one of the nearby building and scope out just what Mister Brightside was up to before making his own move.