Narrator: As the tension between the young boy and the stall owner rises, Lila, Arthur, and Bix exchange concerned glances. Lila decides to step forward to help defuse the situation. (Lila): (calmly) Excuse me, sir. I understand that you're upset, but perhaps there's a better way to handle this situation. The boy seems genuinely sorry for his actions. Stall Owner: (still angry) That may be, but it doesn't change the fact that he tried to steal from me! Arthur Denison: (chiming in) We understand your frustration, but maybe we can find a solution that benefits everyone. What if the boy works at your stall for a few hours to make up for his mistake? In return, he could take home a small portion of the spices he was trying to take. Bix: (nodding) It's a fair compromise, and it might teach the boy a valuable lesson about honesty and hard work. Narrator: The stall owner considers their proposal for a moment before finally agreeing, albeit reluctantly. Stall Owner: (sighing) Fine, but only because you three seem sincere in trying to help. The boy can work for me this afternoon, and I'll give him a small pouch of spices. Young Boy: (grateful) Thank you so much! I promise I won't let you down. Narrator: As the young boy begins his work at the spice stall, Lila, Arthur, and Bix continue to explore the marketplace, feeling satisfied with their efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully.