Narrator: Lila, Arthur, and Bix continue their exploration of Chandara's bustling marketplace. The vibrant atmosphere and lively interactions between humans and dinosaurs create a sense of harmony that is characteristic of Dinotopia. As they pass a stall selling intricately woven tapestries and textiles, Arthur spots a Skybax rider chatting with a group of children, who listen intently to his stories of adventure and wonder. Arthur Denison: (intrigued) Look, it's a Skybax rider! I've heard stories about them, but I've never seen one up close. Their bond with their Skybax partners is said to be extraordinary. Lila: (smiling) They're revered throughout Dinotopia for their bravery and skill. If you'd like, we can go over and talk to the rider. He seems friendly and approachable. Bix: (excited) I'd love to hear more about their experiences in the sky! Narrator: The trio approaches the Skybax rider, who has just finished regaling the children with a thrilling tale. The children disperse, leaving an opportunity for Lila, Arthur, and Bix to introduce themselves. (Lila): (greeting the Skybax rider) Hello! My name is Lila, and these are my friends Arthur and Bix. We couldn't help but overhear your fascinating stories. It's an honor to meet a Skybax rider in person. Skybax Rider: (smiling warmly) The pleasure is mine! I'm Renn, a Skybax rider stationed at the nearby Skybax Training Academy. It's always a joy to share my experiences with others, especially those who appreciate the wonders of Dinotopia. Arthur Denison: (eager) We'd love to hear more about your adventures and the bond between Skybax riders and their partners. Narrator: Renn proceeds to share more tales of his airborne adventures, the rigorous training process for Skybax riders, and the deep connection he shares with his Skybax partner, Nara. Lila, Arthur, and Bix listen intently, captivated by the world of the Skybax riders.