[CENTER][h1][u]Stargaze[/u][/h1][/CENTER] Stargaze could only listen as Garrock complained about waiting and asking if the clutch did anything useful. Unfortunately, an argument broke out as Garrock didn't take Fellwing's words well. Skobeloff once again stepped in to calm down the argument. Stargaze felt guilty that she did nothing. She had no chance to step in and do something to help or calm the situation. But still...she couldn't let Garrock's blame and threat of reporting Fellwing to her house slide. She had a place to belong while Stargaze didn't have a house. What if that report gets Fellwing kicked out? So, Stargaze spoke up to Garrock, "[b]Garrock. If you want to blame someone among our clutch for your having to babysit us, then blame me. I am the one who grew up on this island to begin with. Fellwing does not deserve your ire in that regard,[/b]"