Clara and I had discussed this earlier when I had been drawing small arms from the armory, though I could have done without the epithet. I nodded my approval. If we were going to a feral world where the locals stuck bone through their noses and worshiped the sun as the Emperor we would either need blades or bullets in considerable quantity. Plus Clara had been sidelined since the death of her previous master spending her time at Agesola training and bringing other agents up to speed. She was bored with training and wanted to get out into the field. I personally didn't understand the drive and would have been more than happy to live a life of quiet luxury, but I could appreciate that milage varied. Hadrian measured Clara with his eyes for a few moments and then nodded. A considerable degree of tension seemed to go out of the arms master now she knew she wouldn't be left behind. "Now that we know where we are going, and who is going, perhaps we should address how you are going to get there?" Demetrius suggested. It was a fair question, Hadrian traditionally operated with the Caledonia which was much to distant to be of service in this occasion. Some inquisitors maintained a full time ship, but such craft were alway obvious. Pacitus also hosted a small naval base that served a squadron of destroyers but a random navy ship showing up on Havenos would be as obvious as an Inquisitorial vessel. "What little intel we have suggest Nagrip spent a few months on Kamden before transiting to Havenos," Hadrian said. "Kamden serves as a processing center for a number of feral and semi-feral worlds in the region and the navy is not unknown there. In the interest of speed we will transit on a destroyer, the Prelate Voss, and tranship to a local trader once we reach orbit. Potentially we can gather some leads while we are there." "So we are going to be incognito?" I asked, voicing the obvious question from the table. Hadrian grinned slightly. "Yes we will be, our cover will be as big game hunters. That will let us bring weapons and gear and explain our presence on Havenos," Hadrian explained. "And Emma will be your fancy girl?" Clara asked. Hadrian's smile broadened. "As luck would have it, the Ordos recently detained a female big game hunter by the name of Amaletta Sark on suspicion of smuggling. She even happens to be blonde."