[i]The next day... [/i] The Prelate Voss was a Cobra-Class Destroyer of the Imperial Fleet. Like most of its kind, it was a quick escort ship with a large ordinance of warheads which allowed it to somewhat punch above its weight class. Still, it was smaller than most 'larger' Imperial ships, at just 1.5 kilometers from hull to stern and around 5.7 megatons in weight. 15,000 personnel combed and labored in its depths, but my retinue was given private quarters to inhabit. I had not quite given up on the name Blasius Deckard, but I decided to play it smart and prepare a different name, going under the guise of Meliton Thracius when it became convenient to do so. At the moment, it was simply nerve-wracking enough to pass off Lucius as an astartes on this trip, much less these past months. It was fortunate no one he knew had ever truly seen a space marine in the flesh, else they would know he stood fully two feet taller and had a far more broad frame. The Imperial personnel did not question it either, other than asking the prudent question of why an astartes was aboard anyway. Luckily, the normal excuse of 'prohibited mission' was enough to see him through. Clara had come with an assortment of weaponry, laying out all manner of guns for our party on her cot for me to take note of. Combat shotguns were next to long las rifles accompanying a 40mm grenade launcher which sat just beside a plasma pistol across from the solid slug sub-machine guns. Long knives were arrayed at the foot of the bed, and she even produced a catachan fang, which she did not deigned to elaborate on where she got such a unique item. As I inspected the armory, Lazarus approached with a datapad. "Sir, I have taken the liberty of finding all of the fauna of the world and picking the most reliable game for you to 'hunt'" The tech-priest handed me the datapad and I opened the device. It showed a photograph of an enormous predatory animal, felinoide from the looks of it. Lazarus continued with: "The Carnodon, a large species of mammalian felinoid native to the planet Gudrun. Shipped out onto other worlds in order to keep its population from diminishing due to damage of the planet's atmosphere, they've become quite the invasive species on Havenos." "Lazarus, I know we are not truly hunting these things, but couldn't you have picked a less deadly animal? This thing is six meters long." I deadpanned. "It would be the most cognizant explanation of why you are carrying such heavy weaponry and protection, and it is also a noteworthy beast to kill, as it's spread is threatening the populations of the local antelope." He explained, somewhat smugly. "Very well," I sighed.