[hider=Jazrina Heartwood] [center] [h1][b][color=8882be]Jazrina Heartwood[/color][/b][/h1] Character Face Claim- Ashley Graham [centre][img]https://tinypic.host/images/2023/03/20/Jazrina-Heartwood-Collage.png[/img][/centre] [i][color=aqua] No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt [/color][/i] [/center] [b][color=8882be]Name:[/color] Jazrina Heartwood[/b] [b][color=8882be]Nickname:[/color] Jaz[/b] [b][color=8882be]Gender:[/color] Female[/b] [b][color=8882be]Age:[/color] 26[/b] [b][color=8882be]Sexual Orientation:[/color] Heterosexual[/b] [b][color=8882be]Witch or Warlock:[/color] Witch[/b] [b][color=8882be]Schools of Magic:[/color][/b] [color=8882be]Invocation (7)[/color] 1) Jazrina is a naturally gifted elemental witch. Working with the elements is instinctual to her. She often has struggled to learn the formal spells and rituals that come with being a coven member. It feels natural to tap into the forces of nature. Water and Earth are her two strongest elements. The drawback to being such a strong elemental witch is that she must strive to keep herself balanced and in harmony with nature. When she is off balance with nature, her control is weakened and can result in catastrophic spell failure. Things might happen such as a gust of wind pushing her around instead of going where she intended. 2) Jazrina can make shields of natural elements such as stone, earth, and wood. She has managed to create fog to obscure what others can see. 3) Jazrina is able to use the elements as weapons such as hurling balls of fire, blades of stone, and using gusts of wind to push opponents around, or shaking the ground to put them off balance. 4)Jazrina believes strongly in the goddess and that man should walk in harmony with the natural world. She knows that there are things that go bump in the night and that true monsters exist. She is a true believer in the Coven’s mission to protect the small town of Tanner. Her faith has manifested so far in a minor ability to heal others in times of need. [color=8882be]Enchantment (4) [/color] 1) Jazrina has minor skills in enchantment. Enchantment fits with her beliefs regarding the goddess and nature resulting in an ability to understand animal nature. She can sometimes convince birds to carry messages for her. She has an easy time making friends with animals. 2) Jazrina has been able to calm down animals and lull them to sleep. [b][color=8882be]Personality:[/color]Confident*Kind*Intelligent*Quirky Sense of Humor[/b] Jazrina is a genuinely nice person who wants the best for everyone. That doesn’t mean she won’t be vicious if provoked. She sees herself as a protector. She probably comes across as a tree hugging hippie. She is not motivated by wealth and is happy to have enough to live the way she wants and do what she loves. Jazrina is a quirky walking contradiction of warmth, love, and all that’s good in the world who will bring the pain if those she cares about are threatened. Think of her as the ultimate momma bear personality. She is unapologetically herself, which can sometimes get her into trouble. [b][color=8882be]History/Bio:[/color][/b] [color=8882be]Early Years: [/color] Jazrina was born and raised in Tanner. Her mother was Rose Brighton a warlock who could communicate with animals. Her mother trained service dogs to help disabled folks. Her father was George Heartwood a warlock who had a minor talent in the earth element. Her father was a geologist. He worked helping mining companies find oil, gems, and precious metals all over the world. Her father traveled a lot for work. While she didn’t get to see him much, her father made sure that what time they did have was quality time. She has always been daddy’s little princess. Jazrina’s mother was a warm loving woman who loved animals whose hobbies were gardening and cooking. Jazrina grew up helping her mother with the animals on the farm, the large garden, and cooking. Her mother had transformed the property into kennels and training grounds for working with dogs. The girls took care of things while her father traveled for work. Her father made a decent paycheck and her parents owned their land and home free and clear. They were not wealthy but comfortable. Her parents taught her how to use her magic. Her lessons were practical and flowed naturally with her own interests in being outside helping maintain the land and the animals. She was an only child. Jazrina’s mother Rose almost died giving birth to her. Rose had to have an emergency hysterectomy to save her life. The result was that Rose could not have any more children even though she wanted more. Jazrina grew up with her mother pouring all her love, hope, and dreams of the future into her. Jazrina had warm and loving parents. Jazrina would have loved siblings. She was very lonely as the closest neighbor was miles away and had no children her age. She would have loved someone to play with. She felt isolated at home and sought out the animals for companionship. The animals never judged her for how she looked or made her feel bad about herself. She fell in love with reading, comic books, and video games. She wanted to be the hero of the story that everyone looked up to. She thought if she could be the hero, then maybe she would finally make some friends. Jazrina has always had curves. While her classmates called her fat, her mother told her she was pleasingly plump and fluffy. She rode the bus to school and was often teased about her size. No one wanted to sit next to her. She struggled to make friends in school. She was never invited to play with others and was always picked last for any teams. Those who say that words don’t hurt, have never had to deal with bullying. Jazrina’s self-esteem and self-image took a beating in middle school and high school. She was withdrawn and very shy in middle school and high school. The girls in middle school made her feel bad about the way she looked. High school was just as bad. She was never asked to any of the school dances. She didn’t even go to her prom. She had learned to hide and never look anyone in the eye. If she kept to herself and didn’t engage with anyone, then they left her alone. [color=8882be]College Years: [/color] Jazina attended college at Washington State University. Her parents made enough money that she didn’t qualify for financial aid but not enough to pay for college. She worked hard in school to get scholarships. She paid for her own college by working part time as a waitress and a freelance bookkeeper. Having to work two jobs to afford college left her less time for classes. It took her longer to finish her degree but she did it. Getting out away from Tanner for college helped her self-esteem. She finally made some very good friends that her redefine her self-image. Her college roommate and best friend was a wild child named Ellie. Ellie made it her mission in college to bring Jazrina out of her shell. Ellie could talk Jazrina into doing the most outrageous things that she would never consider before. She taught Jazrina how to dress for her body type and to flirt. Ellie’s parties were always over the top ridiculous and fun. Ellie helped Jazrina see that it only mattered how she saw herself. Other people could either accept her or not. If they couldn’t accept her how she came, well, then they didn’t need to be in her life. She left Tanner, an emotional mess and doormat. She was returning to Tanner with a spine of steel and comfortable in her own skin. Jazrina has long brown hair with golden highlights and brown eyes. She is tanned from spending time outside hiking. She is a plus size girl with an hourglass figure and curves for days. She is healthy and fit just larger and very tall for a woman at 6 foot even. Jazrina does yoga and meditates daily. Hiking helps her feel connected to the land. Yoga helps her feel connected to her body while meditating helps her balance and process her feelings while opening her mind. Jazrina was moving home to live with her parents so she could save up money to open her own business in town. In the meantime, she was working as a freelance bookkeeper. She was excited about moving home. She was ready to start the next chapter of her life. She had hopes that her life after returning to Tanner would be very different than it was before she left. [b][color=8882be]College Degree:[/color] Bachelor’s Degree in Business with a Minor in Accounting[/b] [b][color=8882be]Future Goals[/color][/b] Jazrina’s goals for the future was to reconnect with her roots. She is hoping she will finally make some friends in Tanner and be welcome in the Coven. She is tired of feeling like an outsider in her hometown. She hopes to open her own New Age Shop in town. She hopes to help the people of Tanner reconnect to the power of nature and how healing it can be. She wants to offer classes on Yoga, Meditation, and Reiki. [/hider] [hider=relationships] [center][h2]Relationships[/h2] ⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies [b]☯ Neutral [color=00FFFF]Carlisle Aston[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”Time to put up or shut up. Do or do not.”[/i] Jazrina has not really spent much time with Carlisle. She really doesn’t have an opinion on him yet one way or the other. She is not a fan of his mother’s though. She is waiting to see how he shapes up as a leader. He is only the interim leader because of what family he comes from. Jazrina doesn’t feel that power makes a leader though. She is willing to give Carlisle a chance to prove himself. A leader to her is someone who identifies what needs to be done and chooses the right person for the job. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=FFA500]Hayden Kersey[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]Oh Yay! Another new person I haven’t met yet.[/i] We haven’t met yet. Jazrina is always neutral until she has a reason not to be. [b] ⚜ Respects [color=Crimson]Aurora Ivory Newman[/color] ⚜ Respects [/b] [i]”Respect is earned.”[/i] While they didn’t run in the same circles in high school, Aurora had never treated Jazrina poorly. She respects Aurora’s maturity and power. She hopes they can one day be friends. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=00FFFC]Lilith Jade Montgomery[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”Poor kid. I don’t know what I would do if I had lost my mom so young. I should go home and hug my mother.” [/i] Jazrina is three years older than Lilith. She as a senior when Lilith was a freshman. Her only interactions with Lilith have been through the coven. She doesn’t know Lilith well enough to have feelings about her one way or another. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=4BB181]Kolby Jett Hawthorne[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]So you are from New York?[/i] We haven’t met yet. Just another new comer I have not met yet. No strong feelings one way or another. [b] § Tense [color=FFC6AA]Serena Felecity Delamar[/color] § Tense [/b] [i]”Oh look the other heir apparent.” [/i] Jazrina has not really spent much time with Serena. Serena has never done anything to Jazrina. From what she can remember Serena ran with the party crowd in high school. Jazrina didn't have fond memories of anyone from that crowd. She is uncertain how to react around Serena which triggers her defenses to react before thinking. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=lightgray]Erin Jude Blake[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”She seems sweet. Wonder if she has changed much?”[/i] Jazrina is older than Erin. They didn’t run in the same circles. The know of each other but not really spent any time together. Erin seems sweet. Time will tell. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=EEBC1D]Victor Crowe[/color]☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”I am beginning to feel old.”[/i] Victor is 4 years younger than Jazrina. She doesn’t really remember him much at all. Like so many others, time will tell as she gets to know the coven members better. [b] ♥ Crush [color=00a651]Daniel Bruce Cooper[/color]♥ Crush[/b] [i]”Hello hottie!”[/i] Jazrina remembers Daniel from school. He was in school a year behind her. She remembers he was an athlete of some kind. She finds him physically attractive but does not know much about him. She will admire his nice ass from afar as she gets to know him. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=DC143C]Miles Connor Price[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”Here comes trouble.”[/i] Miles ran with the party crowd in high school. I knew of him. We didn’t run in the same crowds. Well let’s face it, Jazrina didn’t have a crowd to run with till college. Wonder how much he has changed in the last few years? She remembered him as the school’s quintessential bad boy. She could admit he was physically attractive, but if she remembered high school right, not worth the drama. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=0DD1ED]Catherine Rose Hierich[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”Yay! Another new person to get to know.”[/i] Catherine who? Oh yes another younger witch that I haven’t really met yet. We will wait and see. [b] ☮ Friends [color=teal]Delaney Jade Barlowe[/color] ☮ Friends [/b] [i]”I see you went with the neon blue drink tonight. Any special reason?”[/i] Jazrina met Delaney in high school. Delaney needed a tutor for Algebra. Her math teacher offered her extra credit if she would tutor Delaney. Tutoring Delaney was challenging because she had the attention span of a squirrel. Delaney always made her smile though. Her fun loving energy was infectious. Jazrina always left feeling better than she did when she starting hanging out with Delaney. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=FFA089]Hanna Wright[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”Hanna is really good at teaching. I should ask her for help.”[/i] Hanna is only a year younger than Jazrina. Hanna was kind of quiet and reserved in high school from what Jazrina could remember. [b] § Tense [color=a3c1ad]Howard Wright[/color] § Tense [/b] [i]”I have my eye on you!”[/i] Howard had a reputation in high school for pulling pranks. Jazrina was the victim of numerous very hurtful pranks in high school. She is unsure if Howard had played any role in them, but his reputation as a prankster makes her uneasy around him. She doesn’t trust him. [b] ☯ Neutral [color=2A7E2E]Zach Carter[/color] ☯ Neutral [/b] [i]”Blessed Be. (It’s the witchy version of the southern woman’s… Bless your heart!”[/i] Zach was three years younger than Jazrina. They didn’t really run in the same circles in high school. She know of him through contact with the coven but has not really spent any real time with him. What she does remember, he was always a bit of a hot mess. He needs all the help he can get. [/center] [/hider]