[b][color=#CE2B95]"Shakshouka?"[/color][/b] Yue asked, in a distracted tone, as she tried to pay attention to multiple conversations. She reached up and casually plucked the medallion out of the air with two fingers as though it were moving in slow motion. It uttered a metallic chime, like a tuning fork that had been struck against a table, which made Yue flinch and caused Archer to raise an eyebrow. [b][color=#CE2B95]"Don't you need eggs for that?"[/color][/b] Yue paused, watching tendrils of [Crimson], which had thinned in consistency and color enough for threads of [Silver] to shine through she noticed, rushed into the medallion. [b][color=#CE2B95]"You're not gonna use [i]monster[/i] eggs are you?!"[/color][/b] The note of panic in her voice overrode her curiosity for a split second. Yue raised an eyebrow as the medallion seemed to grow hot in her hand, and she squinted as the designs and etchings flared to life, and her gaze flicked over to Zolya to try and see what exactly she was doing. [b][color=#CE2B95]"I don't-"[/color][/b] [b][color=#c45302]"Look at that, you're a natural!"[/color][/b] Archer interrupted, flicking his finger against her temple. She expected to feel his finger thud against her skin and the accompanying prickle of numbness from a muted pain signal. Instead she was treated to a deep, drum-like thud and a ripple of movement over some... film of [Force] that had materialized over her skin. The medallion flared brighter, and threads of [Crimson-Silver] rushed into it afterwards. [b][color=#CE2B95]"I... didn't [i]do[/i] anything though? That's just what happens when I touch things."[/color][/b] [b][color=#c45302]"That's the [i]Sword Song[/i] reacting to resonance from an enchanted item,"[/color][/b] Archer smiled, pushing himself to his feet and taking a moment to smooth out his Final Odyssey pajamas, which were speckled with chibi-anime representations of many of the different iconic classes. [b][color=#c45302]"The real trick will be learning how to turn it [i]off[/i],"[/color][/b] chirped Archer smugly, with far too much amusement in his voice as he trotted towards the kitchen after Raudd. [b][color=#c45302]"I'll help!"[/color][/b] Yue blinked, squinting at the medallion as she tried to process what, exactly, he had meant by that. Her gaze snapped up to Zolya, mild horror spreading across her face as she came to the realization that she could, in fact, [i]not[/i] "turn it off."