[right][h1]Castle On the Clouds[/h1][/right] [hr] To say that Felix was surprised by suddenly arriving in what was, objectively, far too fine dining for him to be welcome, would be... An understatement. As would be the [i]violent[/i] burst of vertigo and nausea. He caught about five words from Dawn before he was turning and desperately searching for a trash can. Upon not seeing one, Dawn was treated to the sight of someone stumbling as far away from her as possible, before upchucking. Basically everything that could have possibly been left in his stomach was rapidly [i]not[/i] in his stomach. It took a minute or two, before Felix gasped for air and groaned. "[color=Gold]Oh god. Oh sweet merciless tit chafing god, fuck that. Holy shit. Never again.[/color]" His voice was hoarse, and Sovereign was flashing all sorts of alerts across his HUD. It was probably for the best that some of his internals were cyberware, because damn. A heart rate sitting at around the 378 BPM mark was... Terrifying! Wow. Yikes. That wasn't to mention the elevated levels of most of his stress hormones. Yikes! His hearing slowly faded back in, with Dawn looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Oops. '[b]A little bird told me you'd be trying something dumb,[/b]' came her... Amused? He was gonna go with amused. Her [i]amused[/i] voice slowly filtered back in. He waved a glowing hand nonchalantly, snorting once before gagging and dry heaving. "[color=Gold]Yeah loo- Hurh- Look. I'm... Like... Eighteen percent stupid by volume. Anyways! Good morning! Ssssorry? At least you're not sitting around with major jackass?[/color]" He murmured, rolling his shoulders slowly and with... Some amount of shame! He slowly made his way over, wincing at the burst of soreness that erupted along his spine and his lungs. Sovereign helpfully notified him that his cyberware was 'overtaxed', to put it lightly. He wouldn't be good to do [i]that[/i] again. Not until he got back to work. Which... Was a good idea! Yup! Just not right now. Talking now. Felix sat careful and slow, wincing again as he hummed noncommittally. He reached for the ice water, utterly nonchalant as he drank half the glass in one go, and then proceeded to mix some of the water into the pomegranate juice. And then down half the juice in one go, mix the rest of the water in, and sip on that while they talked. He would NOT be taking criticism at the time. As evidenced by the eye contact he held the whole while he went about his 'ritual' as it were. Which, if you asked him, was amusing because Dawn [i]always[/i] seemed to get nervous about him staring her dead on. She was 'the goddess of light' or something like that, so he figured she'd have way more capability to handle a little staring but, well, what could you do. FOCUS! "[color=Gold]So did your [i]little bird[/i] also tell you that I was gonna finally succeed on a long term project today? 'Cause, not gonna lie here, that would've been a real good way to make up the morning beyond also seein' a new friend.[/color]" [hr] [h1] The Den, Shield Town, The Under City [/h1] [b][color=#a013b3]Jemma[/color][/b] crowed with glee, giving Jade another lick for good luck, before swiping up the proffered device from Wolf. Her form rapidly shifted, ink whirling like a ... Whirlpool. Gone was the bear-snake-thing. In its place was Jemma as she had looked the day before, save that the wings of feather had been replaced by wings of stretched leather and muscle. Her hands and feet were tipped with claws, and though she [i]looked[/i] the same, her musculature was startlingly robust. She moved with measured grace and speed, tinged with chaos. "[color=#a013b3]Oh! Yeah please still don't, I wanna surprise them all myself! I'm alive! Y'know? ... I should probably swing by and pick up my last paycheck from Black Iron... Hm! Thanks! Bye! Loveyoulotsmwahmwahmwah-[/color]" She chirped by way of goodbye, cackling brightly as Wolf's cyberarm pushed her face away. Out the doorway and past Vi, slipped the shapeshifting gremlin, footsteps eerily quiet given that she was nearly running in her excitement. A quiet '[b]Oh thank god, she's leaving...[/b]' came from an open doorway. To which she chirped a complicated mix of hisses, birdsong, and whatever noise a mountain lion being shredded by a elk with a chainsaw would make. Leah, presumably, simply screamed her frustration back. To which, again, Jemma only laughed. Then she was moving through the airlock, smiling to herself and to those who were coming in and out. She gave some a wave, cackling at their confused expressions, before she was out and in the open air. Jemma took a long, long breath in, savoring the smell of gun-metal, gun-powder, and steel. [i]Home[/i]. Or at least, part of home. Ink swelled in her eyes, whorling away as the dimly lit area bloomed into practical daylight. Tapetum lucidum, bitch! She cackled madly, staring up at the de-powered sunlamp that hung overhead. There was a moment, staring at that long unused piece of human ingenuity, where a memory pulsed [i]violently[/i] in the back of her head. Murky gray clouds around a harbor, haloing the sun like pillows around a fortune teller's crystal ball. A sensation of deep satisfaction, a hunt completed and cherished. The urge to return home to a terrifying [i]Mother[/i]- The memory skipped. And Jemma blinked twice. "[color=#a013b3][i]Huh... So... You were scared of that thing too.[/i][/color]" She whispered to herself, before grinning again and abruptly sprinting forth. People yelped and dived out of her way, one woman swinging reflexively with what appeared to be an arm-integrated machete. The muscles in her legs flexed, stronger than a tiger, before she [i]leapt[/i] into the air. [url=https://youtu.be/yPorLRejqx8]She spread her wings and flew,[/url] cackling the whole while. Air whistled in her ears as Shield Town immediately came into view. Her eyes were sensitive enough to make out plenty of details, and considering the ... Less than half a mile she had to travel? Hah. But going home could wait, she wanted to properly enjoy being [i]free[/i] for the first time in three years. Three years... Wow. Time sure was a cloudy soup of non-permanent material! As her wings powered her over to Shield Town, her astral eyes slowly opened, absorbing the flow and shift of [MANA] around her. "[color=#a013b3]Three years! Three years. Huh. We were away from our homes for three years. THREE! That's one thousand, ninety five days! Huh. Huh![/color]" Jemma whispered to herself, staring at the settlement now below her. Thoughts rattled around her skull, smooth and mellow like butter at first, before rapidly spiraling. "[color=#a013b3]Three. Fucking. Years! THREE! [b]FUCKING! YEARS![/b] People thought I was DEAD! What the FUCK! AUGH! I can't fucking BELIEVE this BULLSHIT![/color]" Her voice rose with her emotions, spiraling further and further as ink boiled over her skin. Anger seethed underneath, like worms with teeth, chewing through a corpse on the highway in the summer sun. "[color=#a013b3][b]I HAD A LIFE! I HAD A HOME! I HAD FRIENDS, AND FAMILY![/b][/color]" Screamed the body, as the rational mind began sinking... Before she yanked back, pulling herself out of the comforting fog that another half of her tried to offer. Instead, the fury only built. Wrathful, Jemma dissolved into wordless screaming. Shrieking. Roaring. Wailing. Inky tears rolled from her eyes, the pitch fluid otherwise finally coalescing into a new physical shape. A quardrapedal build, with two long necks, a bull-like body, a pair of bat-like wings and a massive crocodile-esque tail. The tail whipped about, tipped with a wickedly hooked trio of bone-sickles. The wings were massive, easily twice the size of the muscled body, and just as muscular. The legs were more like jointed trunks of bone and muscle. Four, zygodactl digits, tipped with dagger-like claws, slashed at the air. The necks were topped with a pair of draconic heads, which each owned four eyes, arranged in a diamond on the skull. The maws were filled with teeth like needle thin shards of glass, and venom dripped from them all. She screamed all the while, as two distorted voices cried in unison. Eventually the anger petered out, and she slowly brought herself to calmness. Shield Town was far below, glaring up at her in indifference as, blithely, the massive sun-lamps above hummed. Her breathing was ragged, giant gasps for air, as [MANA] was pumped into the form. Not fast enough to offset the amount used, but still. A stop-gap. She didn't want to have to eat again any time soon. Hunting for something [MANA]-rich in this are would mean... People. Half of her responded apathetically to this, while the other half screamed in horror. Never again. Hopefully. By God please, hopefully. The shape turned, flying off and away from Shield Town for a moment. Not once did she consider the ruckus she had made, nor the attention it might have grabbed. Instead, She just... Flew. For a while. Thinking.