Isabelle watches the clouds part as she takes to the sky - entering the upper part of the Arena. Lure her in close. Don't let her see your true measure. Don't try your hardest. You'd think an instruction like that would be easy. She casts a glance through her rear cameras, watching as the swirling eddies in the white trail behind her. Clear tracks for a huntress to follow. No. It's easy to fight badly. But it's hard to [i]look [/i]like you're fighting badly, while not giving your opponent too much of an opening or spooking them off. She has to make mistakes - and that's already as unintuitive as anything - but she has to make them just right. Expose herself just enough to warrant the attack, but not so much that the huntress lands a killing blow, or realises she's being played. It's balancing on a knife's edge. A blade that might well end up in her as anywhere else. [i]So ... yeah ... I only need to get stabbed a little bit ... thanks mother.[/i] At least she has Emberlight again. The mech had taken time and effort to get back into fighting shape, but it was worth it just to see the familiar cockpit once more. Her chair. Her neural net. Her space. If she [i]has [/i]to get stabbed. Then this is a good place for it to happen in. Asil hadn't liked the plan, if her grumbling had been anything to go by, but she'd still helped her graft some additional armour panels onto the arms as well as a shoulder mounted cannon. It was functional, it had to be in order to be a believable threat, but didn't have any additional ammo storage. One of several pieces of bait that she wore like the world's most extreme fisherman. As she scans the horizon for any sign of her opponent, she activates Emberlight's comms. After all, while she's in the habit of making 'mistakes'. "So, Ksharta, is it?" she says, feigning ignorance. "I hope you're ready to lose again. After all, I've played with cats far more threatening than yours." She thumbs it off, waiting for the response. Wondering what her opponent's reaction will be. Will you be easily goaded? Or have you wised up from your last fight? [Rolling to Figure out a person: 4 + 5 + 2 = [b]11[/b]. What do you hope to get from this fight? How can I get you to feel the glee I need to defeat you? And, since this is combat: What do you fear is your destiny?]