[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/E1M34pM.png[/img] [h3][b]Cam[/b][/h3][/center] Cam felt no pity for the mallet clown trying to ineffectively murder her, only cold hatred an a hunger unfulfilled by the vita she had already consumed. Dancing out of range of the pathetic mallet being swung at her, Cam spat out the disgusting clown insides and outsides that filled her mouth with flavors beyond foul. For a moment, she regretted bitterly her choice to bite down on the now dead creature. Such thoughts passed with the sounds of fighting, battle however base, around her. She could feel energy in the air. Magic. The strange and weird of the supernatural. More vita. More prey. More fun. Timing her step, Cam step forward, catching the arm of the desperate tiny clown with her left hand and striking out with the pastry viscera covered claws of her right hand aiming straight for the eyes of the weeping monstrosity. She heard a lout pop as the eye she had pierced exploded like a balloon, sending more disgusting clown viscera onto her. Shaking the itsy-bitsy clown from her claws, Cam noted with growing revulsion that whatever the clown monsters had that might be called a brain, felt more like quivering gelatinous desert. Letting out a string of low curses that shifted into a lower growl, Cam turned her attention to the strange automotive monstrosity that while still upturned had tried to kill her (she presumed). Dodging to the side, Cam moved around it with the pace of a cleaner uninterested in being covered in further flesh, blood, guts, or bones. Her only thought as she struck instinctively downwards onto the undercarriage of the clown car, aiming for where all the delicate pipes and parts critical to the engine should be, was that she really, really wanted a shower. A spa visit perhaps. She'd try to get Honest to pay. Or maybe Emma. That girl was always too kind.