With her conversation with Sir Ethelred concluded, Fio bowed her head politely and focused on the Queen's words. Assigning her as leader for a mission to seek out and converse with giants? Seeking the assistance of a giant smith, for that matter? Well, Fio could hardly contain her approval of the choice of leader. She felt entirely confident in her capacity in such a position. She was, after all, quite mentally capable. Not to say that the others were stupid in her eyes, but when it came to certain kinds of intelligence she did believe she was a step ahead of any of the knights. And that made her extremely well-suited to leadership. When it came to giants, Fio had never personally interacted with them. What research she had done of them was also not entirely clear on all the details. She knew some aspects of their culture, their nature, but when it came to how best find a Giant Smith... Well, she was confident she would be able to figure it out, but at the same time it was important to have a good starting point. She had some idea of what to look for, but any information helped. "Do you have any suggestions on where to start?" asked the Sword Witch, "Not that I don't know what to look for, but the faster a Giant Smith is found, the better." [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]