[center][h3]Kozukata Cemetery[/h3][/center] [center][b]YURINE, DEATH KEEPER[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Hammerman], [@Restalaan] (SKA & GRI), [@AzureKnight] (HIN & ATS), [@The Irish Tree] (LIL), [@Enkryption] ~[/center] [quote=Gringor][color=f7941d]"What's that?"[/color][/quote] "[color=violet]Oh, just a little charm that makes a person itchy.[/color]" Yurine answered. "[color=violet]Dragon Warriors need to be concentrating when using their Chi Shields. You can either wait for them to exhaust themselves doing it or stop it themselves, or you can use harmless spells to break their concentration. Anything physical will not work.[/color]" Meanwhile, a feral [u]Hinami[/u] had her eyes on a newly-arrived Takeshi. The young lord gripped his sword for a fight, only for the Jiangshi to switch targets. Her new prey was [u]Alice[/u], who had made herself attractive in order to bait [u]Hinami's[/u] hunger. But when the undead lunged at the Wonderlandian, she was interrupted by [u]Skarsneek[/u] who attempted to lock her body down with his own. [u]Gringor[/u] also came, holding the robes of a Dragon Warrior. "[color=violet]The robes aren't anything special.[/color]" Yurine pointed out, unamused. "[color=violet]Unless the Jiangshi is as strong as an average man, the cloth will rip.[/color]" Takeshi watched as [u]Alice[/u] slink away from it all. She was probably gearing for a showdown with [u]Hinami[/u], only for the male Goblin to put a stop to all that. Takeshi sympathized with her, having a good duel denied left a rought aftertaste. Even if that was the better outcome. "Atsuha!" The young lord called over the Jorou-gumo. "Bind your sister before she escapes!" As the situation seemingly died down, Yurine approached [u]Lunatea[/u] and [u]Liliana[/u], who had found themselves near each other as they gathered around the body-locked [u]Hinami[/u]. "[color=violet]Don't tell me this is a normal occurrence in your little squad.[/color]" She crankily told the two monsters. "[color=violet]Else, Takeshi's trust in you is doomed from the start.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Shizuyama Wilderness[/h3][/center] [center][b]A TIME TO HEAL[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Xaltwind], [@Rezod92], [@The Irish Tree] (EUL) ~[/center] [hider=Consuming a scrap of armor from the Varjan Warrior...] The armor of a typical Varjan Warrior was a signature design smithed by none other than Varjo's namesake: Varjan Caldeyron. Its thick and bulky design offers high protection from physical attacks for its wearers while also looking large and dominating, providing a psychological intimidating factor in battle. Of course, such a heavy design means that prospective Varjan Warriors must train their bodies to be able to carry the armor's weight. Not really a problem for them since in order to be a Varjan Warrior, one would already need to be a honed fighter in physical combat. [/hider] After the exchange of pleasantries and the looting of the fallen Varjans, the monk has come back and the peasants have gone away. "[color=fff79a]I told them to head for Terauchi Temple, and that the yokai are harmless. Well, at least to the locals.[/color]" He explained. "[color=fff79a]However, I also learned that they were from the survivor camp that we are heading to. The illness struck when they gave all their food to a Varjan patrol that found them.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]I'm starting to think that the illness is born out of hunger. The body begins to be more susceptible to disease if it weak.[/color]" The monk continued. "[color=fff79a]But then, there are the Varjans. So there might be something more sinister to this than a simple outbreak. Regardless, we need to move before it gets any worse.[/color]" [quote=Eula 039][color=C48BD3][b]"I am glad that, even if on accident, I aided those in need. I'd like to bring this scrap back to the task force's base, but I imagine you all have come for a mission of some kind,"[/b][/color][/quote] "[color=fff79a]Right you are, madam yokai. We are on our way towards a survivor camp that is in dire need of a healer. The camp has been afflicted with an illness that I do not know yet and I must be there to properly take care of it.[/color]" The monk replied to [u]Eula[/u]. "[color=fff79a]I know you said you wanted to return to the temple, but why not join us in our mission? Traveling with a group is much better than going at it alone.[/color]" He offered to the Automaton. [u]Relica[/u] and [u]Kerry[/u] can also weigh in on the matter. [hr] [center][h3]Kazenosuke's House[/h3][/center] [center][b]KAZENOSUKE, DANCING BLADE[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (SHI), [@Crowvette], [@Nakushita] ~[/center] [quote=Shizuka Kannazuki][color=0072bc]"I've heard tales of the Dancing Blade, but I wonder if this time perhaps, it has taken on more than it bargained for. Io-san, Yuki-kun, on me! Act as my support for now, I'll engage him directly starting off."[/color][/quote] [quote=Yuki Akamata][color=f7941d]“Just tell me what you need, and I will do my best”[/color][/quote] [quote=Io]"[b][color=thistle]Understood.[/color][/b]"[/quote] Kazenosuke chuckled. "[color=indianred]At least put up a fight, yeah?[/color]" He quickly unsheathed his blade, which began spinning at an incredible speed, almost a blur from what the taskforce could see. Kazenosuke let his opponents admire the whirling sword before moving it around him, daring the taskforce to attempt to intercept the spinning. His feet also started moving, approaching step by step towards the taskforce. Kazenosuke's eyes were firmly on [u]Shizuka[/u] and his steps were definitely heading towards the azure swordsman. But then he leapt back, doing a spinning kick that hit [u]Yuki[/u]. With the Oni staggered, Kazenosuke delivered a heavy slash at [u]Yuki[/u] that definitely hurt but her monster physiology prevented a single drop of blood from being shed. The dancing blade spun his sword again as he backed away. A smug, confident smile on his face. [hr] [hr] [hr] [center]~~ TAKESHI'S JOURNEY ~~[/center] *Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale* [center]~~ TAKAMORI TALES ~~[/center] [hider=Teacher And Student] "Lord Takamori said that his traitorous daughter, Setsuna, is training Varjan archers in Ōmiya. I know this frightens him, even if he tries to hide it. If we don't find her and end this, there may be no stopping the archers, and no hope for Ōmiya Springs. We need to see Lord Takamori immediately." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ SORAE TALES ~~[/center] *Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale* [center]~~ TALES OF SHIZUYAMA ~~[/center] [hider=Whispers In The Woods] A villager woman remarked to the taskforce member as the latter passed by. "You better watch out if you're passing Yabo Forest, yokai. It's haunted by angry spirits... Dead samurai, eager to spill blood." "People go into the woods and never come out. Varjan and Shizuyaman alike! The bodies that turn up have all been killed by Shizuyaman blades..." [/hider] [hider=Lost At Sea] A villager woman was sitting beside a bonfire as the taskforce member approached. "There's a man, yokai, swinging his sword... slashing the air on the beaches of Hama island. I'm not sure if he is a survivor of Sanjo Beach, or a mere bandit. But I'm fairly sure he was crying." "Hama island is just off the southern coasts, but you'll definitely need a boat or something to reach it." [/hider] [hider=The Other Side Of Honor] A peasant man eating barbecued meat on a stick was startled when the taskforce member approached. It appeared he has news. "Yokai! You have to tell Lord Takeshi, there is another samurai noble who survived Sanjo Beach. His name is Lord Tonchiki. He's in his abode southeast of here. If you go see him, I'm sure he would join your cause." "Err, maybe not. I guess you'll need Lord Takeshi himself to convince him." [/hider] [hider=Shizuyama's Freedom] A villager sitting on some stone steps in the temple stood up when the taskforce member approached. "Yokai, I've heard of a small resistance group gathering in the Imahama Area. I believe they're headed by that shrine priestess that started a fight here not too long ago." "They're recruiting farmers and fishermen to their cause. Brave, but it'll be dangerous if they're not trained." [/hider] [center]~~ LEGENDARY TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Heavenly Strike] "Dealing with these students of the Heavenly Strike was more difficult than we thought. They have already thrown back two of the taskforce. However, the yokai fought them separately and at different times, so perhaps a more cooperative approach would be more fruitful." -Takeshi Oja [/hider]