[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HtanUZI.png[/img] [color=F92a2a]Level 3 (XP: 18/30)[/color] [b]Edinburgh MagicaPolis - Hideout[/b][/center] In the aftermath of their fight against their pursuers, Wonder Red noted Albedo's reaction to Frisk and Nightingale. While he didn't mean for his attack to bring much harm to the man, Red couldn't deny that he was getting careless. The whole situation was something he hadn't trained for, so he couldn't rely on what he learned from the CENITNELS for everything. Reexamining his stance on how he proceeded, Wonder Red followed the rest as Albedo led them to their hideout, a cozy-looking restaurant helmed by an elderly cat. Wonder Red thanked her for her hospitality and discretion as everyone settled in to rest and formulate their next movements. First matter of business was interrogating Sierra, who unfortunately didn't have much information on hand. Nothing that gleaned much light on the biggest mysteries the team had at least. [color=F92a2a]"Consul N? Are they in charge of this region too, alongside L?"[/color] They didn't have a lot of information on the Consuls before coming here, and if Alcamoth gained any itself since they departed, they had no way of knowing. Red continued, [color=F92a2a]"it sounds to me that Consul N didn't have much of a plan in dealing with us in spite of having one prepared for us in the Metro, meaning we're a rogue element to them. Either that or the impromptu attack was a method of testing us. He also doesn't have a way to follow our movements... outside of simply asking."[/color] Wonder Red nodded to Sierra. [color=F92a2a]"We'll have to be more secretive of our actions from here on."[/color] Wonder Red pulled out a pamphlet from somewhere on his person. [color=F92a2a]"If everyone could read these infographs on non-verbal military communication then we could effectively--"[/color] Red's planned night of rigorous war-time lessons were unsurprisingly (to everyone but him) shot down. Trying very hard not to look disappointed he put the pamphlets away again. [color=F92a2a]"...ahem. Very well then."[/color] Even with the hideout supposedly safe, Wonder Red didn't want to take anything to chance, especially with their presence made known very destructively. [color=F92a2a]"I'm going to keep watch for the night, in case anyone tries to hunt us down."[/color] Grabbing a generic shawl from Grammeowster to hide his very noteworthy attire, Red took a seat in the restaurant near a window and settled in for a stakeout, keeping careful eye on any patrons that came in, or any goings-on happening just outside.[hr][center][color=F92a2a] 403 Words +1 EXP[/color][/center]