[quote=@Zeal] Oh? That’s pretty neat. Thank you. *watches as she finally leaves and I turn back to you* Look, I don’t want to be on this topic as much as you any longer, but we are going to have some sort of discussion with those who participated with this event. I was supposed to be there, but Sreig stopped me from stopping him. *sighs and my breathing changes and as I speak there is a slight hesitation between words, like something is in my throat* I don’t believe he is gone yet, but I have to confirm with my sister. She was the one who was keeping that realm together to hold him there. If you can, I would like you to join us. I… I need to know what happened. And if my fears are confirmed, then we will hold a funeral for him… [/quote] *Dread returns to my face* I—I... it’ll be hard...