Luna would be lying if she said she didn't desire to see Harzelslack, but she understood why the teams had been divided as so. First, the team heading there already had contact with the nation's border so it would make perfect senses why they would go. On the other hand, Luna had some constant contact with them where she figured was why she would go to recruit a giant smith. Though she was a small bit curious why Her Majesty had given Fio lead on this mission. Truthfully, Luna would have expected it to go to her all things considered but it wasn't a big bother to her really. Fio was smart, if a bit...Sensitive? "The mountains west of our territory is probably our destination. I can't say I've been around the area much, though I've met a number of giants from that way." Luna mentioned with a nod. "I've not an exact location but I believe it was Llobrokor Mountain. Not exactly safe from what I hear, but what is safe?" Luna asked with a small smirk. "Have you been there, Elnith?" Luna asked the cursed knight, curious since she was signed on to this mission as well.