[b]NATALIA[/b] Seeing him roll his eyes at her reaction just made it all the more amusing to her. She even found it strangely adorable that he was trying to justify his taste of music to her, even if she decided in that second that she would have to make a rule for the rest of this trip. She listened to him explain exactly what he knew about her and she had to admit, she couldn't even deny any of what he was saying. She watched him do the universal sign for 'tell me anything you want to about yourself'. SO she gave it a small thought and made a little nod, "Okay, well...first off: I'm banning the word 'demon' from now on. I'm wanting to forget about everything not dwell on it." she said to him, before continuing on. "As for about me? I love alternative and rock music. Considering how complicated my relationship is with Dean, I'm more like him than I am Sam. When I was a kid before ending up..well you know where, dad taught me acoustic guitar and I sometimes enjoy singing. Or at least...I used to from what I even remember of my past." she began explaining, it suddenly dawning on her she was still working on even remembering some of her past before the asylum years thanks to the lobotomy she endured. "Movies I'm a sucker for the action genre. Mission Impossible movies are classics, I don't care what anyone says. I may or may not have a guilty pleasure for the film for Wall-E, that little damn robot is adorable but if you utter a word of that to anyone I will kill you" she said to him, pointing her finger at him. Yet truth was, Mika introduced her to the film as a way to bring her out of herself with something that didn't relate to their world or jobs in the slightest. It was one of the first ever times Mika had seen her smile and even chuckle, so she considered it a guilty pleasure, despite being considered a kids film. "Travel wishes? Anywhere that isn't the States! If this job wasn't my entire life I would leave America in a heartbeat and just soak up different cultures, see a white sandy beach, drink cocktails on said beach or visit a seafront somewhere via a cliffside. Soak up different music scenes...it's why I couldn't answer you earlier, there's literally so many places I couldn't just say one" she admitted to him. As she spoke, an old glimmer of passion began to shine in her eyes, a need to remember what it was like to live a life and not feel like she was just existing and still finding out who she was as a person. "I feel half complete as a person thanks to you know where, I just wanna feel complete again" she sighed, glancing from him as he drove to her lap, where her hands gripped her thighs. "I'm sorry...that probably sounds completely ridiculous" she scoffed, trying to shake everything she said off. [b]MIKA[/b] Dean's remark on her placement of her hand made her smirk back and chuckle. "Of course you'd think that" she teased back, "Just deal with the fact I can enjoy doing this again" she told him as he then pointed to Impala and she gave a nod of understanding back. She walked off the sidewalk and to the car when he pointed down the road and she looked where he was pointing. Her eyes instantly landed on the neon sign and she smirked once more. "Glad to know your tastes haven't changed" she quipped. [b]AT THE BAR[/b] Reaching the bar, she let him get out first and run round to the passenger side. It was so refreshing and heartwarming that she could see him do this action all over again. She took his hand and got out of the car, closing the door behind her. Seeing him so excited about checking out such a bar brought a smile to her own face. This was what she wanted to see after all the family drama that had occurred just lately. Walking into the bar, she took in their surroundings and the scene as well as noting the strong cigar smell and smell of alcohol in the air, not to mention the loud music being played. Oh this brought back memories for her of their younger days. Especially thanks to the couples in the darkened corners of the bar. With Dean dragging her along she refrained from giving a small yelp and chuckle as she just gladly followed him to the bar. "It really is! Sure is bringing back some good memories!" she beamed back at him as they got to the bar and waited to be served. [b]SAM[/b] Sam knew if he had paused on anything he had to say to her, he was sure he wouldn't be able to continue because he'd get himself into such an emotional state. He was also glad that she let him just spill his thoughts and feelings out on the whole situation, even if he could see she was getting highly choked up by everything he was saying to her. When he was done talking, he glanced at her as she tried to get some kind of response out. Instead all she could say was the three words he always wanted to hear from her. That she loved him just as much as he loved her, even if he was awful at showing it at times or even saying. It was in these moments that he realised he was like Dean, only slightly being better at voicing his feelings but not by much. He let her grip his hand tighter, glad to still be feeling her hand in his and still relieved that she was even giving him the time of day after travelling so far for her. He watched her lean in closer and as he closed his eyes slowly, he let her lips glide over his before he pressed his lips onto hers and kissed her deeply. He only just about broke apart, but only ever so slightly to brush his hands through her hair and smile. "I love you too" he said once more, before leaning in again and continuing to kiss her.