The Sheath and Dagger was just starting its day as the commotion started. The Flame of Lys, Leandra, though she did not go by that; leaned out her window as the majestic beast passed by. [color=#FF1493][i]That is not a dragon I recognize. Interesting. Vittoria will love this.[/i][/color] Moving to dress to meet the day and see who flew in. Leandra had always been curious and just because it might be dangerous did not mean this was not the most thrilling thing that had happened recently. Because it was. Pulling on what would be considered a conservative dress for her profession Leandra hummed under her breath. It was just a scattering of sweet notes that the young lordling in her bed currently had shared with her. Looking over at him and admiring the firm flesh on display Leandra sighed with regret. [color=#FF1493][i]Why is it that the young ones always have to be woken up? Give me a nice firm middle aged man who knows his place and [b]mine[/b] any day.[/i][/color] Leaning over the lordling Leandra trailed her soft pale hands over his back, her nails lightly trailing down his skin waking him. Upon waking up he attempted to pull her back into bed. [color=#FF1493]"My apologies my lord but I have errands to run."[/color] Leandra smiled as she looped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his blonde hair. [color=#FF1493]"Will I be late?"[/color] She purred, pressing herself against him and rubbing her body against his in an undulating motion. She was clothed while he was not as she kissed him. The lordling was not bad in bed but it was about him not her. She preferred older men but there was something to be said about youthful vigor when it was used decently well. She had had so many men and one thing about men is that an overwhelming majority of them liked to brag about their prowess. Both in and out of bed. So getting information from them was not hard. Filtering the information, now that was the challenge. Pulling away from the lordling she replied with, [color=#FF1493]"It was a dragon. Perhaps Maegor has returned?"[/color] The lordling sprang up as bare as the day he was born and Leandra hid a smile. He quickly dressed and ran out the door. The lordling had already paid handsomely for the pleasure he received the night prior. He'd whispered a little extra to her so she was pleased. Watching from her window while combing the hair she was known for Leandra hummed softly. A pale head of hair caught her eye. [color=#FF1493][i]Neither of the Princess would be without an escort nor would they be on this road at all. Interesting. Who-[/i][/color] Her thoughts were interrupted by a raised voice that came from that pale haired woman. For it was a woman and while the tones were not deep enough to be male they brought to mind smoke and shadows. Someone was getting the sharp end of that voice. Leandra’s eyes found the young girl and she shook her head. [color=#FF1493][i]Foolish child. Leave the spying and following to those who excel at it.[/i][/color] Leandra could hear not but vague murmured tones as she watched the Valyrian woman stalk the girl like a predator. They spoke at length and the girl took on a mulish expression and Leandra wondered if the fool was worth saving. Thinking that another girl came up with an escort appearing to salvage the situation. It was the Harroway tikes. [color=#FF1493][i]So a fool and a savior that happens to be of Valyrian descent. Now who could that be?[/i][/color] They were drawing quite a crowd especially when the Valyrian woman laughed. Leandra raised an eyebrow and swung the window open farther positioning herself on the sill firmly. Looking around she noticed a few of her informants and they took the hint to pay attention knowing that if they brought her good information they would be paid for it. The Valyrian woman warned the Harroway guard with a sharp word then snarled at the foolish chit. Then things got [color=#FF1493][i]really[/i][/color] interesting as the Harroway guard decided that he was cut from the same cloth as the foolish chit. Valyrian steel sang as it was drawn and the promise of retribution hung in the air. Even from a distance the blade was beautiful. Words floated up to Leandra [color=#FFA500]"Bastard… Rivers…"[/color] feeling sympathy for the Rivers girl Leandra watched her wince. The loathing could be heard in the fool chit's voice as Leandra sighed. Just as suddenly the sword was put away and the conversation between the Valyrian women continued. [color=#FF1493][i]I wish I had been down there at the time but someone will have heard most if not everything.[/i][/color] The crowd murmured and shifted as Leandra clearly heard [color=#DAA520]"Whore of Harroway…Maegor's Whore…"[/color] and then shortly after the Valyrian woman walked off. Leaning out past the window Leandra captured the latch on the window and unabashedly watched the Valyrian woman walk away. [color=#FF1493][i]Now this. This Vitta and the Rahls will love to hear about.[/i][/color]