[h2]Esme[/h2] Esme found herself stifling another fit of laughter as she watched Duke. This was a side of him she loved and had missed from their time apart. At that moment, she finally saw just how he looked at her, even when she made the simplest movements. The look made her heart beat faster and her laughter calm, as a warm smile made its way to her lips. It wasn’t every day that she had someone look at her that way, especially with how she had tried to shut herself off from all of that after all she had been through. She had tried to keep herself from getting involved or close to anyone after her kidnapping, which she had been doing well until Duke came back into her life. He had broken through every wall she had put up as if they were nothing. She watched him after she gave him her order, biting her bottom lip to keep from laughing at how he spoke in response to her order, almost losing it when he mentioned being afraid of traumatizing someone. If someone were to get traumatized by walking in, it would be their own fault for barging into the room unannounced. Her eyes never left him as he spoke, then made his way over to the bed, then on it, then over her. Her heart sped up as he got closer and nuzzled her nose, which she scrunched up as he nuzzled it. His next words against her lips caused her to finally laugh a little. Esme was tempted to kiss him right then and there, but she decided to do something else to see what kind of reaction she would get out of him. “A to-do list, huh?” she spoke just as softly against his lips. Her smile grew to match his as she looked up into his eyes and brought her hands up to rest on his shoulders. “Since when did you become such a stickler for to-do lists?.... The Duke I remember did what he wanted when he wanted. He didn’t rely on lists to get things done.” she teased. Esme then moved her head to the side as she leaned in, rubbing her cheek against his, and resting her lips close to his ear. “But if you feel the need to take care of the list….” she whispered softly in his ear, then pulled back and brushed her lips against his. “I guess I’ll get up and get dressed.” Kissing his cheek, she removed her hands from his shoulders and acted as if she was getting out of bed.