[h2]Elastasia[/h2] A cat from the far east? Well, that was something nostalgic. But if it could be used to find magic users somehow, then that would make her ability to sequester herself somewhere out of the way and read all the easier... if the heroine got interested in magic, then outside of class, there was a chance that they might run into one another. And she [i]would[/i] like to avoid any heartbreak from such an obviously-unobtainable figure getting close to her if the girl turned out to be her type after all. This left the noble staring into space for an awkwardly long time, until the shopkeeper coughed and drew her attention back. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Yes, I'd quite like to purchase this kitten, and anything that's needed to look after it..." Well, she didn't have much in the way of money on her, but she could just sign something to handle that. Really, the cost of a single animal was insignificant.