[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] Now dressed, Tyaethe felt her face heat up as she saw what Maletha was doing. Honestly, did the girl...? She was a [i]two centuries old paladin,[/i] not a child! Had she gotten confused? But no, that shouldn't be it, she had spent most of the evening as an adult, the girl probably just wanted [i]someone[/i] to play with, and it wasn't like any of the other knights would be particularly suited for it. Well, Lilianna had her family, [i]that[/i] might be an option... but it was doubtless to late in the night to go and wake her up. Maybe if the princess came visiting again. No, for now she would just have to play along, and the vampire climbed onto the bed behind the rabbit, making it wave back. Hmm, was there something else...? Oh, it [i]was[/i] just a little rabbit, and this was a mighty dragon. Dragons were [i]very[/i] proud creatures, you didn't want to upset them at all if you could help it. So, she had it bow, too.