[indent][indent] [center][img]https://imgur.com/kK8sfuH.png[/img][/center] Etor puts the legumes in his pocket and heads back to meet with the rest. He was preparing a wry remark to mask his embarrassment and shame that he experienced today. He'd make the remark and there would be some kind of acknowledgement of his statement, and then the young boy would strive to do better next time. They wouldn't laugh like Ravinia did but they understood that Etor was still a growing boy or something that let him off the hook. Etor returns to a resilient hunter, eyes still burning despite his wounds. Some of the hellions didn't acknowledge the situation by facing away. Ashur stood resolute. He offered no explanation or tough love. He stood by knife in hand in case Etor was found wanting. Lyun meets etor's eyes and the two exchange words without speaking. The young spearman could not afford to be left behind. There would be no more waiting. Etor's spear finally rattles up after a brief hiatus. Wordlessly, the young man impales the hunter. Then stabs him again for good measure. There can be no more doubt. [center][sub][i]Etor moves 4 tiles to [b]16-8[/b] and kills kassite hunter #11 for 21xp [/i][/sub][/center][/indent][/indent]