[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aRfAXko.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Event: Primitive[/b] [hr] Yalen was reluctant to stay behind while Jocasta charged in on her own, but logic dictated that tethered stay far away from the fighting whenever possible. He felt reassured by the fact that Zarina and Ayla had her back. There were few he could trust as much as those two. Since he couldn’t be there in body, he would send his spirit; his armored colleague received as much strength as he could possibly give her by manipulating her body’s chemistry, deadening her nerves to pain and filling her blood with oxygen and adrenaline. When he sensed a temporal disturbance directly adjacent to his position Yalen turned his head. The portal this time was not the enemy’s, thankfully, and the reinforcements that came out of the portal were faces that the Somnian recognized fairly well. He’d known Desmond since the beginning of his adventures, and Evander was an effective ally during the battle of the Trials. Others he knew from their fatal misadventure in the cliffs of Revidia, or elsewhere besides. [color=FD5E53][i]We needed help to beat a sand wyrm last time as well.[/i][/color] Yalen reminisced. Would his magusjaeger colleague land the killing blow yet again? It was unfortunate that there was no deer golem around to ride them into the fight this time. Jocasta and company would have to hold out as long as possible until the second team got there. [color=FD5E53]”Jocasta, Zarina and Ayla are currently in the middle of rescuing our rangers. That way.“[/color] Yalen pointed his finger to where he could sense the maelstrom of energy that was the royal sand wyrm. [color=FD5E53]”I don’t think Jocasta would appreciate getting pinched during the fight of her life. I’m sorry, but you must make your way there on your own. Isabella and I will help hinder the dragon as best as we can from here.“[/color] Before the five men departed for battle, Yalen patted Desmond on the shoulder. [color=FD5E53]”You are the only one who was there with us the last time we fought one of these beasts. If something goes wrong, I’m trusting you to get our girls back to safety.“[/color] He pressed the Scepter of Ahn-Shune lightly against his chest and whispered a single, barely audible word. [color=BDBCB5]Commune.[/color] For a fraction of a second, Desmond’s entire body tingled as his cells responded to Yalen’s sacred command. Whether he liked it or not, the marksman’s manas would no longer listen to a single master, at least for as long as the bond persisted. Yalen was inwardly apologetic, but he saw it as a necessary measure, for borrowing control of his friend’s magic was the only way the young priest could bestow the greatest of his gifts. [color=BDBCB5]”PROSPER!“[/color] With how much he loved his mana shots, Desmond would undoubtedly recognize the feeling of great [b]power[/b] welling up inside of his body. His magic capacity was now rising at an alarming rate. However, rather than temporarily aligning itself with a mass of wild manas, his own colony was the one growing beyond its natural born limit. Within a few minutes, they would have reproduced enough for him to stand on the same level as powerhouses like Benedetto and Jocasta, at least for a short time. He would be tired and starving at the end of the day, but that was surely a small price to pay. [color=FD5E53]”It would be a blessing if I could help all of you... but there is a limit to everything. Do what you have to do to keep our friends alive, okay?“[/color]