The strange-looking but still somehow unassuming girl kept walking unimpeded. Those that saw her at a glance wouldn't think much about her. Her brown hair, basic clothing, and small size made it so that she didn't really stand out at a glance. Of those that did happen to get a slightly better look as the girl passed on by fell into one or more of three basic categories: the curious, the concerned, and the unnerved. What made her seem pitiful was that she wasn't wearing shoes, which made a few people think she was some kind of homeless runaway. After all, she did look quite young even to those who could see the tips of her pointed ears that occasionally stuck out from her messy hair. She also had no hands, which also made her seem quite a pitiful existence as well. The people who showed either passing curiosity or heartfelt pity both all felt one thing that they had in common with the third group: the unnerved. This feeling was caution. Her lack of hands was enough to cause some people to be filled with pity, curiosity, or perhaps both. What made them rather cautious though was the rather demonic design of the metallic arms. Her arms had a rather ancient, almost vicious design to them. [i]"What kinda weirdo puts freaky arms like that on a kid"[/i] was one passerby's thoughts. Of course, the elf was used to these looks. Whether it was from the villagers when she had first met them or people she met on her journey to this city many had similar looks. Needless to say, this former lab rat didn't really bat an eye to any of the whispers that her ears picked up nor did she even give anyone who gave her a look a second glance. She even ignored the calls of various stall owners who tried to beckon her over. Both because she had a priority goal and she also couldn't really understand them completely. Eventually, she did make it to her destination. It was pretty hard to miss after all even for a first-timer to Zweidaya. The elf's green eyes couldn't help but scan the place as she walked in. Thankfully there was no entrance fee to enter the arena so she was able to walk in freely. There were guards at the entrance who did look at her though, but let her pass anyway with only a singular glance. She seemed completely harmless in their eyes. After all, she had no hands. What could she do? Swing her metallic 'stubs' around? Her legs didn't seem like they had much strength in them and she wasn't even wearing shoes. So other than the possibility of giving someone blunt force trauma they didn't think she was going to be any trouble. She wasn't like those Vision wielders who could cause trouble in ways one could only barely imagine. Once inside the stadium, she couldn't help but look around. Before entering the stands there were plenty of stalls selling more things. Food, trinkets, drinks, and even gambling stakes. This arena was truly an enterprise for many people. It no doubt generated a large amount of circulation for Zweidaya's economy. Not that the elf knew this or even thought about it. Sure she wasn't stupid, but she also wasn't educated either. She had only just recently learned the bare basics of "money" so the more advanced concept of "economics" was still beyond her. There had even been a few people on her journey to Zweidaya who [i]could have[/i] scammed her out of some Mora. What had prevented this were those glowing green hands that gave them the Mora. As much as those people would have liked some extra Mora, going home fully intact was more profitable. [i]"[color=00a651]Hungry[/color]"[/i] A familiar feeling crossed her mind as she smelled a nice aroma. It was coming from one of several food stands. Needless to say, she decided to go over and get a bite to eat. Unfortunately, life can be a bit unpredictable. As she walked to the stand, someone who just purchased their own food walked right by her. While the Elf usually struck a rather lithe figure, the rather striking "horns" that curved out from each of her arms made some aspects of life a little difficult. "Crowds" was one of those aspects. No one could really stand right next to her without needing to be wary of getting poked. [b]"GAH, What the hell!"[/b] A man who wasn't paying attention to where he was going bumped into one of those horns side first. This caused the skewers and booze he had just purchased to all spill to the ground, and a lot of it spilled on him. This stained the rather nice-looking clothes he was wearing. This was definitely a person who had enough money to keep up appearances in this kind of town. [b]"Ah dammit, what the fuck!"[/b] He immediately turned his ire toward the elf. [b][color=ed1c24]"What the fuck, why are you wearing shit like this? You nearly poked a hole in my damn gut and made me spill my food you damn brat! What do you have to say for yourself?"[/color][/b] The girl was silent. This just made the man angrier. It was also drawing the attention of the people nearby as his shouting was causing a scene. [b][color=ed1c24]"Did your parents never teach you any manners? You should speak when spoken to!"[/color][/b] The man was fuming. The girl was still silent. Still not getting the response he wanted, his nostrils flared as he reached his hand for her pack. [b][color=ed1c24]"Since you're gonna be silent then fine. Gimme your Mora! You're paying for my clothes!"[/color][/b] The man had a rather big hand. He seemed like a rather beefy guy too as he seemed to stand around six feet tall. At this point, someone had already run off to try and find the guards. While the elf closed her eyes. [b]"Hey, come on now, it was just clothes, chill out---"[/b] began one man grabbed the guy's hand to try and get her to back off. Unfortunately, this just got him a firm shove from the beefy man. [color=ed1c24][b]"Shut up! This isn't your business!"[/b][/color] he shouted at the interloper before once again reaching for the elf's bag, or more precisely one of her shoulder straps. [i][color=f7941d][b]"You're KA2U3 right? It's 'cause of you that we have to take more fucking tests!"[/b][/color] A tall, but thin, young girl of about 17 approached the elf who was about 3 years younger than the one in Zweidaya. They were in one of the areas in that underground facility where they often let the subjects get daily exercise. It was something akin to a prison yard, but underground. The elf's silence and her almost blank stare only seemed to make her more irritated. [color=f7941d][b]"Since you're so willing to be their dog, then you should dress like one!"[/b][/color] In a fit of rage, she reached for the shoulder of KA2U3's clothes. [b]"[color=f7941d]GIVE ME THAT! You damn-- GAH![/color]"[/b][/i] [b][color=ed1c24]"GIVE ME THAT! You damn-- GUAH!"[/color][/b] In both past and present a foot was thrust out towards the owners of said hands. This foot connected right to their stomachs in a strong side-kick. Both were knocked to the ground. [i]The subjects all stepped back, eyes full of scorn and fear.[/i] The onlookers cried out in fright, eyes full of concern. [i]The doctors and Project Titan facility guards came in with restraints to take the elf back to her cell and stop any further fighting.[/i] Two arena guards had quickly shown up, eyes widening in surprise. All of that had happened rather quickly, both in the past and present. One went over to the unconscious man, making sure he was alive. The other noticed the elf quickly take a few steps towards the unconscious man so he stepped into her path. [b]"No fighting here. You need to come with us. Don't use your Vision, just come with us. You're not in any trouble, we just want to know what happened"[/b] This was the other guard. He was looking at the green wind surrounding the elf's legs. Sure people were used to seeing fighting, but usually in the arena. Even when Visions were involved it was always in the arena, never near the concession stands. So everyone, even the two guards, was a bit surprised. In this scenario, they simply wanted to escort the girl to a different area to keep the peace. They asked what happened and an onlooker, fortunately, mentioned that the unconscious man started it. So the guard quickly jostled the man awake and cuffed him, making him stand up. The elf's eyes scanned the guards, both the one now holding the groggy, cuffed beefy man and the other that walked over to her. [b]"Come along now"[/b] he stated simply. Even though an onlooker stated the man started it, the peace needed to be kept so both involved parties needed to be escorted and detained for a bit. [i]She went with the guards, legs in cuffs.[/i] She refused, and her legs struck out. The guard was sent flying as a wind-powered kick landed right square in his chest and definitely broke a few bones. It also sent the guard flying back into a nearby food kart with a rather nasty-sounding impact. She then quickly dashed to the other guard, two green hands materializing on her arms. The onlookers at this point began to scream and flee. Even the cuffed beefy man had fled, scared out of his wits. She slashed her claws at the guard, knocking away his drawn weapon before sending a precise kick to his temple. The brutal wind-fueled kick sent the guard savagely to the ground. If this guard was lucky, the worst he'd have is a heavy concussion. Both of these guards had simply been left on the ground by the Elf unconscious and in terrible shape. A quiet storm had arrived at the arena and it was heading for the arena proper. The storm would do what it wanted, see what it wanted, and live how it wanted. Thankfully the storm hadn't been completely unleashed, but that... was only a matter of time. It was definitely brewing. It wanted to see the matches and arrived there very quickly... with no doubt guards in hot pursuit.