[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FhZfX1v.png[/img][/center] [sub][@Sho Minazuki][@Enkryption][@The Irish Tree][/sub] [hr][b]Zweidaya[/b] [hr] Tiziana made note of the magical suppression that the glasses dame made use of; She watched as the tentacles she made began to fade, though not before her fellow witch snatched up the items they were returning. The songstress put on an amused smirk as her fellow witch made her rebuttal, which was hidden behind her fan. Then, at that point, things got a little more...intimate. John would suddenly appear before the diva, sniffing at her nape and inspecting her being. Tiziana immediately frowned at having her personal space infringed upon. However, as they were both two of a kind, she naturally understood what she was doing. She was trying to learn her brew; Potions, spells, remedies, and other concoctions used on the body were the most general things witches would be curious about with each other. Even the act of walking a couple of fingers down her arm, and eventually holding her hand in public of all things, she realized was an attempt for John to memorize her mana signature. [color=0072bc]"Correct you are, miss."[/color] Tiziana said, confirming John was right in presuming her hometown. In spite of all this, Tiziana wasn't sure what the woman was playing at, feeling she had something [i]else[/i] in mind. Getting close to her eye, John finally gave her 'thanks' for her deeds, whispering gently into her ear. Then, in an instant, she was fully dressed and made her way further downtown. Her fan now folded, Tiziana's perplexed and intrigued expression was on full display. Her mannerisms aside, it wasn't often that the performer actually got to meet with others of her kind. Such was the life of secrecy their kind was bound to... Out of the corner of her eye, Tiziana spotted an decorated box of some sort. She naturally assumed that it belonged to the glasses woman; It seemed that in her standoffish stupor she had overlooked it. Sighing, Tiziana decided that it would be best to do her another favor. Going off of its appearance, the box was probably something of importance. That was before the other girl interrupted her thoughts, and began to pry into her identity. Her arms folded, she wore a warm smile as she turned to the young lady. [color=0072bc]"In the flesh."[/color] She confidently responded. [color=0072bc]"As beautiful as the midnight moon and elegant as the midyear stream!"[/color] She looked the young woman down for a moment, sensing a regal air about her. Able to tell she must've been from Lascuta as well, she guessed that she happened upon a fan. Something that she always looked forward to. Then, it finally hit her. Her garb, her looks, the way she carried herself - a member of the d'Aureville house? All the way out here? Tiziana walked over to what was left of John's makeshift home and picked up the parcel. [color=0072bc]"It's always nice to meet a fan, even in a backwater, unsavory town like this."[/color] She said, looking back at Alina. [color=0072bc]"Though, I hardly expected it, especially it being someone from the d'Aureville house."[/color] Tiziana would confirm if her suspicions were correct. [color=0072bc]"It seemed that peculiar woman with the short fuse had left this cute little parcel. As I've already helped her once, why not make it twice. I invite you to come with me, and we can talk further if it tickles your fancy."[/color] With that, Tiziana began making off in the direction John left for, partly hoping that Alina would follow. She was curious as to what led a young noble all the way out to this sandy hive of ne'er-do-wells. -- It didn't take too long for Tiziana to catch up with the other witch. Her mana signature was easy enough to follow, not like she was trying to hide it. As she approached, she heard a commotion of some sort. She had arrived to see the woman nearly burning a young roughneck alive, stabbing him in the tendon with a knife. Goodness! That along with pulling out a shotgun seemed to be enough to run off the hooligans. Someone else, an older woman with a heavy accent, also seemed to have been watching. The two seemed to have been conversing about something, she couldn't make it out. Whatever it was, it ended with John beginning to follow the old woman, her shotgun pointed at her back. [color=0072bc]"I imagine you make a hobby of getting into fights wherever you go?"[/color] She said to John, having made her way over to her. [color=0072bc]"You probably noticed me following you. I came here to return this back to you, you left it. Perhaps, too busy inflicting violence on a poor innocent soul?"[/color]