[@LadyAmber] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/58e6ec8b-faa6-4fc3-920b-c7a431708d28.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][i]"Train roll on, Aaaallll down the line, Won't you, Please take me far, Ahawaayeee..."[/i] The car radio hummed low from the front seat, barely audible from Caitlin's spot in the back seat. She watched her father in driver's seat, stoic and silent, and perfectly still beyond the occasional shifting of his head to check his mirrors. For an instant, as had happened at least a dozen times since they had started driving, her eyes met his in the reflection in the rear view. His gaze, this time, just like before, settled just a split second longer in the rear mirror than in the sides. Again, it was his eyes that broke contact first; a low grumble followed suit as the man shook his head. Caitlin twitched and fidgited in the backseat. For the better part of the past 24 hours she had felt confined. Between the flight from LAX and the car ride back to Tanner, Cait had been forced to sit still longer than memory allowed her to recall... maybe not since middle school. For someone used to being up and moving, the small space and numbing stillness brought aches and discomfort. To assuage the settling cramps, she moved her ankle up and down and tapped her foot like a drummer on the kick. She stole a sideways glance to her mother, who hadn't so much as looked at her since they left her friend Gabby's house in Chino Hills. Cait couldn't decide whether her father's constant checking or her mother's distance was rattling her peace more. Cait hoped that her mother break and meet her eyes, maybe even say something... that would at least settle things somewhat. But no such thing happened. So, in near silence broken only by the radio's faint tunes, the trio crossed into the small town of Tanner. They drove on through the town, past side roads and long, wooded driveways. [color=bc8dbf]"You missed the turnoff pops,"[/color] Caitlin started to speak. [color=bc8dbf]"Home is--"[/color] "I know where home is." Her father cut her off without moving his eyes from the road. "You see, I've actually been living there for the past four years." Cait recoiled. She opened her mouth to speak again, but was cut off... "We're not taking you home just yet," Cait's mother had chimed in, her voice more cutting than usual. "You're to report directly to the Coven house." [color=bc8dbf]"But my stuff at home--"[/color] "Has already been relocated," Cait's father stated. As he spoke, they were turning into the driveway that lead up to the Coven manor, it's high spires peaking just above the hill as the house in its entirety came into view. Several other cars were already there, though Mr. Cade noted that one was missing. "Looks like you missed the introductions. You're lucky; you won't have the whole Coven eyeing you." He rolled the car to stop behind a blue SUV. For the first time since the day before, he turned to look at Cait. "You're to stay here until Carlisle returns. He's the interim head of the Coven." Cait shrugged, already unbuckled and gathering her belongings. [color=bc8dbf]"Better him than me,"[/color] she said factually. She reached across the seat to grab her skateboard, which had been closely guarded by her mother. Almost instinctual, Mrs. Cade pulled the board out of Cait's reach. "Not until we can be sure you won't roll off on us, dear." Her voice sounded less cutting and more wrenched this time; she could feel the piece of Cait's heart that belonged the board. "I'm sorry. It's for the best for now." "Take what you need for the day and go along," Mr. Cade ordered. "We'll bring you everything else later." Cait left the car, closing the door behind her as she pulled her backpack over her shoulder. The car backed down the driveway and out of sight, leaving her alone. She stood for a stretched moment, looking up at the mansion. For most of the Coven's members a return to Tanner might have been like a homecoming. To Cait, it felt like dog being put pack on its leash after learning what felt like to run free. It had been so long, and Cait hadn't exactly kept in touch with anyone else from the Coven; not for a dislike of anyone so much as not really having anything in common outside of magical lineage. She had had a few text talks with Victor Crowe up until a year ago, but that was mostly out of them being closer in age to each other, and sharing a general fondness for chill time. Still, she was hoping to walk in to see everyone doing well. She walked towards the front door, stopping to look at her phone. [i][color=bc8dbf]Nothing... I'm sorry Gab.[/color][/i] She grabbed the doorknob, thinking how not composed she must have looked, still wearing the same clothes she had been wearing a week ago. Calmly, she opened the door and stepped into the foyer. Standing in front of her, calling into the house, was another person. [color=bc8dbf]"Uh... hey. 'Sup?"[/color][/indent]