Neil turned right, passing through a throng of listless citizens and making his way up a short, steep hill before making a right, deeper into the southern portion of the city. The two thieves marched through a street with a myriad of shops of pottery and various crafts for the well-to-do earners of the city state. One shop had been broken in, but the rest remained whole, a few hard looking men with grim looks leaned against the walls bestride the varying alleyways, just a few paces from a few of the shops doorways. Neil saw their manner and could tell right away they were 'scarecrows,' unofficial muscle for the shop owners, meant to dissuade any activity near the closed stores. The idea was they looked shady enough to keep other, less reputable men from approaching, unable to tell if the street toughs were merely loitering in a foul mood or if they were standing watch for their thieving friends, already looting inside. It was a somewhat cheap but effective way to keep rioters from entering their businesses without hiring true guards that required arms and training. Neil could play a lot of roles, but he didn't have the look for that kind of work. "I know exactly where we must go, my dear." Neil said to Emmaline in his most aristocratic elocution, his arm around hers as they passed through another herd of the desperate or worried, nearly bumping into a garishly dressed courier evidentially carrying an urgent message. Emmaline was merely overcome by a sudden tide of the crowd but Neil managed to smuggle her out with a quick tug and they stepped into a connected, less crowded street. "And that is?" She asked, rubbing her thick head of blonde hair. Neil raised an eyebrow at smirked at her. "Come on, isn't not knowing a little bit sexier?" He asked her. "Far be it from me to lecture the great Neil on what is sexy, but I think it would behoove you to let me in on it," she said, drawing very closer, adding a flair to her already admittedly upper-class altdorf accent. Neil sighed theatrically, pinching the bridge of his nose as if to act like she vexed him terribly, but he couldn't wipe the smile from his face. "Very well my darling. Never let the boys at the academy learn of my weakness to beautiful blondes." He said, and they shared grins and then a quick kiss. Neil glanced around, and thankfully the only people close were lone walkers that had their backs turned to them. The jettying buildings leaning over them cast a conspiratorial shadow over the two. He whispered to her, regardless of no one visible being in earshot. Neil wasn't about to let a score and a date get ruined by an eavesdropper. "There's a trading company called the Golden Kettle based here in Nuln. Word on the street says they have outposts all along the reik and talabec, but all of their gold goes here, as does most of their luxury goods, since the best sweets from araby and most of altdorf's wine has to go through Nuln anyway before it gets shipped out, and the rest needs to be sorted here and payments are double checked. So they have a few silos with varying items cordoned off near the docks. Now, the food and most of the gold will be heavily monitored, but the drink and sweets and some of the jewelry might be less so since they aren't in high demand or aren't highly valued in a siege." "And what guards they have left will think starving people will be after the food and thieves will be after the gold," She reasoned, idly playing with the fringe of his black hair. "And there's still probably a sizeable amount of gold we can find less guarded, or sizeable enough for two people. Sound good?" He asked.