Hello everyone! Thank you for popping by this thread, I have had this idea for a Fallout RP set in the Mojave for quite a while. Below is a very brief synopsis. Six years after the events of Fallout: New Vegas, in which Courier 6 elected to overtake New Vegas with the help of Yes Man. The Mojave proper is in chaos, with Caesar's Legion and the various tribes battling against the Securitrons of the Courier's fascist regime. The NCR, having made new alliances all across America, have established a special task group in orderbto retake the Mojave. By any means necessary. That's a pretty brief rundown of what I have in mind for the RP, I hope to see some of you guys there! As a side note, character creation will allow for you to be from [i]almost[/i] any walk of life. For obvious reasons currently serving legionaries are one of the exceptions to this.