An irate Inigo awoke to the horses braying, neighing as if the dark lord himself had decided to pay the ranch a visit "Shuddup!" the lanky man hollered out of his bedroom window before promptly shuddering it. That however did not stop the damned animals from making a racket, and as he was about to shout again something he saw made him clam up, his face as white as a sheet in his goofy looking pajamas. It might as well been one of Ganondorf's lackeys, but to the dismay and terror of the man it was the Gerudo's loyal servant Grindan "M-m-my apologies Master Grindan!" with a rattling thus his window shut once more and from inside could be heard strings of curses in Hylian as all sorts of cluttering noise came. It was a surprise that Inigo hadn't wet himself yet, still in his one piece pajamas with his sleeping cap on. He held a candle that shone a dim light. "I-if you're looking for Talon, I don't know where is..Might as well be dead!" Inigo didn't care for his lazy half-wit of a brother Talon. He was probably off napping somewhere, maybe Malon knew but she was cheap labor so he couldn't afford to just get the kid killed by the hulking man before him. "We have done as the King has said, what else does he want!?"