[color=silver][right][sub]TIMESTAMP — Tuesday July 21st, 2021 FT — [color=98fb98]Stacy Capek[/color], [color=FACE75]Salvatore Montero,[/color] Small FT from Mr. Beau LOCATION — Cafe Rochambeau [/sub][/right] [indent][indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5E7myW8.png[/img] [b][color=#FACE75]_[/color][color=#F8CE75]_[/color][color=#F7CF75]_[/color][color=#F6CF76]_[/color][color=#F5D076]_[/color][color=#F3D077]_[/color][color=#F2D177]_[/color][color=#F1D178]_[/color][color=#F0D278]_[/color][color=#EED378]_[/color][color=#EDD379]_[/color][color=#ECD479]_[/color][color=#EBD47A]_[/color][color=#EAD57A]_[/color][color=#E8D57B]_[/color][color=#E7D67B]_[/color][color=#E6D77C]_[/color][color=#E5D77C]_[/color][color=#E3D87C]_[/color][color=#E2D87D]_[/color][color=#E1D97D]_[/color][color=#E0D97E]_[/color][color=#DFDA7E]_[/color][color=#DDDA7F]_[/color][color=#DCDB7F]_[/color][color=#DBDC7F]_[/color][color=#DADC80]_[/color][color=#D8DD80]_[/color][color=#D7DD81]_[/color][color=#D6DE81]_[/color][color=#D5DE82]_[/color][color=#D4DF82]_[/color][color=#D2E083]_[/color][color=#D1E083]_[/color][color=#D0E183]_[/color][color=#CFE184]_[/color][color=#CDE284]_[/color][color=#CCE285]_[/color][color=#CBE385]_[/color][color=#CAE386]_[/color][color=#C9E486]_[/color][color=#C7E586]_[/color][color=#C6E587]_[/color][color=#C5E687]_[/color][color=#C4E688]_[/color][color=#C2E788]_[/color][color=#C1E789]_[/color][color=#C0E889]_[/color][color=#BFE98A]_[/color][color=#BDE98A]_[/color][color=#BCEA8A]_[/color][color=#BBEA8B]_[/color][color=#BAEB8B]_[/color][color=#B9EB8C]_[/color][color=#B7EC8C]_[/color][color=#B6EC8D]_[/color][color=#B5ED8D]_[/color][color=#B4EE8D]_[/color][color=#B2EE8E]_[/color][color=#B1EF8E]_[/color][color=#B0EF8F]_[/color][color=#AFF08F]_[/color][color=#AEF090]_[/color][color=#ACF190]_[/color][color=#ABF291]_[/color][color=#AAF291]_[/color][color=#A9F391]_[/color][color=#A7F392]_[/color][color=#A6F492]_[/color][color=#A5F493]_[/color][color=#A4F593]_[/color][color=#A3F594]_[/color][color=#A1F694]_[/color][color=#A0F794]_[/color][color=#9FF795]_[/color][color=#9EF895]_[/color][color=#9CF896]_[/color][color=#9BF996]_[/color][color=#9AF997]_[/color][color=#99FA97]_[/color][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hujeT8b.png[/img] [b][color=#98FB98]_[/color][color=#99FA97]_[/color][color=#9AF997]_[/color][color=#9BF996]_[/color][color=#9CF896]_[/color][color=#9EF895]_[/color][color=#9FF795]_[/color][color=#A0F794]_[/color][color=#A1F694]_[/color][color=#A3F594]_[/color][color=#A4F593]_[/color][color=#A5F493]_[/color][color=#A6F492]_[/color][color=#A7F392]_[/color][color=#A9F391]_[/color][color=#AAF291]_[/color][color=#ABF291]_[/color][color=#ACF190]_[/color][color=#AEF090]_[/color][color=#AFF08F]_[/color][color=#B0EF8F]_[/color][color=#B1EF8E]_[/color][color=#B2EE8E]_[/color][color=#B4EE8D]_[/color][color=#B5ED8D]_[/color][color=#B6EC8D]_[/color][color=#B7EC8C]_[/color][color=#B9EB8C]_[/color][color=#BAEB8B]_[/color][color=#BBEA8B]_[/color][color=#BCEA8A]_[/color][color=#BDE98A]_[/color][color=#BFE98A]_[/color][color=#C0E889]_[/color][color=#C1E789]_[/color][color=#C2E788]_[/color][color=#C4E688]_[/color][color=#C5E687]_[/color][color=#C6E587]_[/color][color=#C7E586]_[/color][color=#C8E486]_[/color][color=#CAE386]_[/color][color=#CBE385]_[/color][color=#CCE285]_[/color][color=#CDE284]_[/color][color=#CFE184]_[/color][color=#D0E183]_[/color][color=#D1E083]_[/color][color=#D2E083]_[/color][color=#D4DF82]_[/color][color=#D5DE82]_[/color][color=#D6DE81]_[/color][color=#D7DD81]_[/color][color=#D8DD80]_[/color][color=#DADC80]_[/color][color=#DBDC7F]_[/color][color=#DCDB7F]_[/color][color=#DDDA7F]_[/color][color=#DFDA7E]_[/color][color=#E0D97E]_[/color][color=#E1D97D]_[/color][color=#E2D87D]_[/color][color=#E3D87C]_[/color][color=#E5D77C]_[/color][color=#E6D77C]_[/color][color=#E7D67B]_[/color][color=#E8D57B]_[/color][color=#EAD57A]_[/color][color=#EBD47A]_[/color][color=#ECD479]_[/color][color=#EDD379]_[/color][color=#EED378]_[/color][color=#F0D278]_[/color][color=#F1D178]_[/color][color=#F2D177]_[/color][color=#F3D077]_[/color][color=#F5D076]_[/color][color=#F6CF76]_[/color][color=#F7CF75]_[/color][color=#F8CE75]_[/color][/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/brutalbx][img]https://i.imgur.com/kqITePy.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ODIUgOo.png[/img] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/metanoia][img]https://i.imgur.com/FF3Ys7L.png[/img][/url] [/center] Stacy had remained mostly quiet throughout the entire walk. It wasn’t that she didn’t have anything to say or that what had happened was still eating away at her. In the reality of it all, she was still overwhelmed by it and she wanted to savor the time spent with Sal and with their hands locked together, fingers interlaced, but above all, she didn’t know what to say. Maybe part of it [i]was[/i] Dylan’s mind games yet again preventing her from embracing this blissful moment entirely. But what she knew to be absolutely certain was, despite Dylan’s residual effects still on her mind, it wasn’t enough to completely undo how happy the cheerleader was. Nothing could take away the fact she knew she was protected. No amount of second guessing or Dylan Doyle’s voice in her head would undo what Salvadore Montero did for her today. She allowed herself to look around, see the street, the local businesses, the life of Edenridge. What Mika had told her about this place over the years didn’t do any of it justice. She always felt like he didn’t like Edenridge enough to brag about some of the places that she was seeing as they walked down the street. [color=98fb98]“It’s beautiful here. I adore the charm these shops have.”[/color] She was smiling, looking at Sal. [color=98fb98]“I can see why my sister loves coming here so much. Even after last night, it’s such a vibe.”[/color] [color=face75]“I used to visit once or twice a year.”[/color] Salvador mused. He knew bringing up the events that had just unfolded was not what Stacy needed at that time. She needed to decompress and relax. Being forced to face something sometimes was the best way to deal with it but other times all it did was make things far worse, Sal was living proof of that. “I have a bit of family here so when my Dad got the call about maybe building a hotel here, he got real excited.” He could see the light smiles crossing Stacy’s lips the deeper they got into town and the further away from the site of Dylan’s rage. She had such a beautiful smile. Reaching the popular cafe called Rochambeau, Sal stopped for a second to open the door. [color=face75]“Shall we, m’lady?”[/color] [color=98fb98][i]He has family here too?![/i][/color] Stacy wanted to ask so badly if maybe he knew her brother. That would be one small world and even more than that, she wanted to just live the normal life. She wanted to be able to go where she pleased. But right now, her mind was thinking about how she just wanted to introduce Sal to Mika. Both who have been heroes to her and one in only such a short amount of time. Shaking herself out of her deep thought, she giggled as she walked through the door, indulging him as she turned to face him, curtsying like she was a dame from Downton Abbey. [color=98fb98]“Why thank you, Ser Sal!”[/color] She couldn’t stop giggling, taking his hand yet again, this time pulling him inside. [color=face75]“You realize I’m Mexican right? I’m no Sir, I’m probably your slave. Not that that could ever be a bad thing.”[/color] Sal didn’t know whether that was a witty comment or whether he had just very blatantly put his massive foot in his massive mouth. He took off the baseball cap he had on to protect his eyes from the summer sun. His mother always said wearing a hat indoors was bad luck. [color=face75]“Sorry that was awful. I’m so used to being around…yeah no never mind.”[/color] He followed the young girl into the coffee shop. It definitely wasn’t anything like any of the Starbucks he was used to in Miami. It was much more homely. Well decorated, classic interior, almost like walking into someone’s living room. The soft soulful background noise reminded him of some long forgotten lounge in the darkest and most interesting parts of Harlem. Salvador wrapped his arm around Stacy as they made their way towards the counter. [color=face75]“What would you like? My treat.”[/color] Stacy couldn’t stop giggling at Sal’s joke. It was bad but in the best ways. In a lot of ways, she couldn’t help but feel he and her brother would get along amazingly. They both told jokes like that. The kinds that would make people roll their eyes at them but also make them smile wider than they ever had. Much like Salvador was doing for her right now. She knew of this place. Everyone knew about Rochambeau Cafe. Stacy may have lived in Pinehurst, but even people from her high school knew about this cafe. Whenever Pinehurst would have a game in Edenridge, she and the girls from the squad would make their way here. She had small conversations with the owner, Mr. Beau. He was a lot like her Uncle Gus. Wise and full of life. She also heard about the cafe from Mika a few times, said the beignets were to die for. Along with the coffee. Couldn’t go wrong with them, he’d say. [color=98fb98]“My brother says the beignets are to die for. Oh and the blueberry biscuits. The soft bake kind. OH and maybe a…oh what did he say? Pastel de Nata?”[/color] Stacy felt like she was getting greedy, but with everything going on today with Dylan, she forgot to eat. [color=98fb98]“Sorry, that’s too much. I can just have a beignet if it’s too much.”[/color] She bit her lip nervously. [color=face75]“There’s no such thing as too much, there’s only what we can handle.”[/color] It wasn’t a great philosophy but Salvador was doing his best to be somewhat charming for the beautiful girl that clung to his arm. His mind drifted to his childhood, to one particularly rainy Miami evening. Both he and Cass had come down with the flu. Esteban too was fighting off the illness, drenched in machismo and cough medicine but Ivelisse had forbidden him from working. Thus both hoteliers were stuck in their penthouse with their very sick children. Sal was a needy child and wanted all the food. Cass was happy to sit and watch her father pretend not to work. Throughout the entire evening, Ivelisse continued to order more and more food for Sal to eat. In hindsight it was probably a lesson in greed but at the time, all it did was make him happy. The night ended with the family together, watching The Princess Bride, Esteban and Cassie passed out asleep and Sal struggling to stay awake but with his mother smiling from ear to ear as she stroked his hair and mouthed along to every line of dialogue. She seemed happy. The reason he thought of that day was because he had realized that Stacy was doing the same thing he did, trying to eat away the pain and distract herself by laughing at his corny jokes. Perhaps she needed a night like that just like he did. Salvador bowed his head in his best Dread Pirate Roberts impression towards his Princess Buttercup. [color=face75]“As you wish.”[/color] He went up to the counter and smiled at the jolly man standing there with his eyes that were once buried in a book now glowing welcomingly at the young pair. [color=face75]“Can we get two beignets, two nata, two blueberry biscuits and I’ll have a chai latte. Stacy, what would you like to drink?”[/color] Stacy, on some level, had always been so used to apologizing for her sometimes gluttonous and indulgent cravings. It didn’t help that she always had a major sweet tooth. She typically kept it in check through dieting and rigorous exercising, but lately it had been the last thing on her mind. And now it still was but for a better reason. [color=98fb98]“Iced chocolate mocha frappe, but can I get it with almond milk instead of whole?”[/color] Stacy’s first instinct was to look to Sal, but she also gave her attention to the infamous Mr. Beau himself, whose whole aura reminded her so much of her Uncle Gus. She didn’t know if it was ever appropriate, but she felt like he could hear all of her bad days and offer the best advice or just a hug to make it all better. At least, that’s what Mika always said about Antoine Beauregard. [color=face75]“You heard the lady.”[/color] Salvador beamed at the older man behind the counter. [color=face75]“Iced chocolate mocha frappe with almond milk.”[/color] He reached into his overalls for some change and realized in that moment that he was certainly not dressed for a coffee date. Catching a glimpse of his reflection in the shop window, Sal noted his black hair looming shaggy beneath his turned back baseball cap, his body was only covered by a white tank and his lower half by dirty, paint covered overalls which he had borrowed from one of ReyRey’s people. God, how could she even stand to look at him like that. Shaking away the negativity, Sal pulled out a few dollars and slipped them over to the large gentleman. [color=E4DF9B]“Why don’t you lovebirds take a seat? Back corner booth is free. I’ll bring over your order.”[/color] Beau smiled as he always did as he tossed the cash in the register and began to prepare Sal and Stacy’s food and drinks. Today seemed to be a day for love and couples. It was started with Miss O’Hara and Miss Kaine and then Miss Navarro and Mister Takahashi. Now it seemed it was with the two young folk that he wasn’t too familiar with; though he did recognise the boy from previous sparse visits. Maybe once a year, he was a relative of his old friend Big Rey Gonzalez. The duo seemed infatuated with each other based on their gazes. It made Beau miss Colleen, he couldn’t wait for her to be home from visiting Genevieve in New York. It also made him wonder when his children would find the same love that he had with his wife? It made him wonder when he would be a grandfather. He was getting older and time was creeping up fast. As Beau lovingly prepared their order, Sal led Stacy by the hand to the booth that the jovial man had directed him to. He allowed Stacy to sit first before taking his seat directly opposite her. [color=face75]“I just wanna say….I’m glad you wound up at Swerve last night. I don’t think there’s anywhere else I would’ve rather have waited out the storm, especially considering the company…”[/color] It was impossible for Stacy to withhold a giggle. She knew who he was referring to. Between that very assertive blonde, Bron and the crazy-haired dude who nearly gave her a heart attack, she and Sal stood out like sore thumbs. Even Marco seemed to fit in more than they did. [color=98fb98]“I’m happy I did too. In truth, part of me thinks that me being there was such a happy accident, but I don’t think it was.”[/color] She pondered on yesterday’s events. She knew it was risky coming to Edenridge. She understood some of the risks, but maybe she just couldn’t stay away. MAybe she was just like her father and brother, after all. She had only intended to come to this town to meet up with Adam, but then she met Marco and that made a lot of things out of her control unfold in such a chaotic way. Stacy never believed in accidents. Fate was something close to her heart. Maybe the hopeless romantic in her needed to believe in that. She sometimes felt like it was her fate to be with someone like Dylan. Like maybe because of the man her father was, but she tried not to think of it like that. But meeting Salvadore yesterday, bonding with him, being happy with him. That also was fated to be. [color=98fb98]“Do you believe in fate? Or that things were meant to happen so other things later down the road could be made possible?”[/color] She let her mind wander again, trying to decide if mentioning something that she knew she shouldn’t was a good idea, but looking at Sal, she knew she could trust him. [color=face75]“Hm, that’s a good question.”[/color] Taking his seat opposite Stacy just in time for Beau to bring their coffee and treats, Sal leaned against his fist as he pondered her musings. His family was not a peaceful one. They were violent criminals who did not think twice about shooting someone in the street and mincing their bodies into dog meat. Yet they were religious, praying to Gods and believing with absolutely certainty that what they did was for some greater good and cause. If he were to believe in fate, then all the heinous acts of the world had to happen for a reason. The difficulty in that belief could be found in not knowing what the reason was. [color=face75]“I guess sometimes.”[/color] He responded. [color=face75]“I guess my opinion changes day to day.”[/color] Salvador thought about it some more; if his mother hadn't died he wouldn’t be in Edenridge, he wouldn’t be in that booth with Stacy and his stomach wouldn’t have butterflies. [color=face75]“Today, I do.”[/color] Stacy felt something in her stomach tighten during the long pause that Salvador took. She knew she asked a heavy question. Even as she asked it and thought about what her reasoning could be for asking such a deep question, she knew just how loaded of an inquiry it was. Before today, she never gave it much thought herself, but as she gripped her wrist, only holding it with a light grasp, she thought about today. About Dylan. About how he changed the way she looked about the world. Maybe that was overdramatic for her to think. He just grabbed her wrist. It’s not like Dylan actually [i]hurt[/i] her past making her feel small in such a vast world. [color=98fb98]“I’m so happy to hear that. Because I do too!”[/color] She said that so fast she didn’t hear it until a few seconds. [color=98fb98]“I mean, not happy but just…relieved that we both feel the same about it.”[/color] As she took a sip of her ultra-sweet drink, she thought about what she wanted to say. She felt so safe and even protected with Salvador, more than she ever did under her uncle and aunt’s roof and she just couldn’t stop thinking about Mika, how he sacrificed so much to keep her and Katya out of danger, but no matter where they went, that was always going to find them. Dylan proved that.[color=98fb98] “I used to not give it much thought. Like I always believed in fate, but only half-heartedly. Things happen for a reason and nothing could change that, but today…”[/color] She took another short, though it felt like a long one, sip from her mocha. [color=98fb98]“I know I mentioned my brother and if I told you what I want to tell you, he’d probably kill me in a way an older brother who just loves me too much could. But I feel like I can trust you. And, if I’m being honest, I need to tell somebody. And you’re the only person who I feel comfortable enough with to let it all out to.”[/color] In her head, she knew she wasn’t making much sense. Not about what she wanted to vent off her chest nor what she could only imagine what it might be like for Sal to hear this. [color=98fb98]“Sorry, I know I’m not making any sense.”[/color] She instinctively went for one of the beignets to stop her from saying anything she knew was foolish of her to do so, chomping away on the fluffy pastry, getting momentarily lost in its goodness. Sal was a little taken aback. What sort of secret could this angel gracing Earth actually have? Whatever it might be, he knew one thing, he knew that it wouldn’t change the warmth he was feeling enveloping his heart every time he looked into her eyes. Getting up from his seat, the boy from Miami moved around the table until he was at Stacy’s side and sat down next to her. He left a little space between them as he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable and smiled. [color=face75]“You can tell me anything, Stace.”[/color] He rested his arm on the back of the booth as his dark eyes looked at her. [color=face75]“But you don’t have to either. We can just sit here and enjoy our food.”[/color] Stacy wanted so badly to just spill her guts about her family. Keeping this secret in was so hard. Keeping the truth about her family was hard on her heart. As much as she understood some of the gravity of why they had to keep it a secret. Ivan Zima, her father, wasn’t a good man. It was an adjustment to realize this because she always looked up to her father, but in truth, her memory of Ivan was only that of vague memories. Uncle Gus was more of a father than her own had been even before she and Katie and Mika were sent away. But knowing the full truth about him made her question a lot she once held dear to her. Maybe that’s part of why she was drawn to Dylan, but it wasn’t everything. She didn’t know what to do. The only thing right now that made sense was Sal and how just being near him made her feel empowered. Maybe that’s all she needed right now and what she thought she needed to say to what? Get a load off? Maybe that wasn’t what she really wanted. As she leaned against his chest, she closed her eyes for a few moments. She tried to clear her mind of just two thoughts: did she want to tell Sal about her family because it was something she felt like she [i]had[/i] to or because it was something he needed to know? She knew the answer was somewhere, but maybe it didn’t need to be clear right now. There was so much going on in her head right now. Dylan still was ever-present in there but so were these feelings she knew she had for Salvador. And she still had the frame of mind to understand that, right now, she wasn’t thinking clearly. [color=98fb98]“We should chow down. Before it gets cold,”[/color] she giggled but she didn’t move from where she was against his chest. She didn’t want to move. [color=face75]“We probably should.”[/color] Sal raised his hand and began to caress the back of Stacy’s head as she hid herself in his embrace. Whatever she wanted to tell him could definitely wait until she was in a better headspace. He was ok with waiting. Right now what she needed was just to be with someone who could be there and present for her. Salvador had all the intention of being just that. He glanced over at the smiling man at the counter who quickly averted his gaze back down to the pages of the book he was reading. Sal really wasn’t sure what to make of everything that had happened in the last two days and he especially wasn’t sure what to think of what was growing between him and Stacy. All he did know was that he didn’t want it to stop. [/indent][/indent][/color]