[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1077126739144212541/1090029795254997113/Marzs_Headrer.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1077126739144212541/1090029833016311838/Marzs_pic.png[/img][hr][h2][color=lightblue]Cold Comfort[/color][/h2][hr][hr][youtube]https://youtu.be/pbvjEHbjohI[/youtube][/center] Upon stepping through the portal, Marz was mostly equipped for travel, little did he know they arrived in a new city. Upon meeting the two lovely women, he noticed something about their accents, as Marz' face seemed to scrunch as he looked around, realizing where they were, Hoch Dorumvir. [color=#933A16]"As always, never a sight of-"[/color]. In that moment Marz felt someone fall onto him, he stood firm like a wall against the wind as he barked out, [color=#933A16]"Oi! Why ya pushin'?!"[/color] Marz finally turned to see, multiple people nearly pushed over by their teammate returning to them, and all Marz said was, [color=#933A16]"Damn, didn't expect to see you so soon"[/color]. During their time being guided by the Hegelan ambassadors, Marz noticed many things, and called much of it out. Many shops seemed to be selling items and goods, some of moderate quality, most were shoddy at best, yet worst of these sellers was what they asked for their poor quality items, [color=#933A16]"40?! I could crap out one for 13! Are you really regulated? I'm pretty sure this was something you had your child make and now you are trying to offload onto some sap!"[/color] Marz couldn't even make it through the mercantile district without nearly a fight breaking out, as someone tried to call him a fake craftsman. Which lead them to head to the bunkhouse that was for outsiders. [color=#933A16]"Dat's awful, it's like we're right next to the stables-oh so we are"[/color]. Marz was covering his nose as he was looking around. He shook his head once the talking seemed done and he decided to leave to investigate the city, he was always curious about some of the city's architecture, but more importantly, he was curious about the crafting within the city. So he turns back to the mercantile district ready to either see some of the works there, or get into a fight.