[b][h2][color=889194]Captain Argus Fellborn[/color][/h2][/b] If there was any doubt in Argus' mind that this monster was an unnatural creation, the seam upon its chest dispelled it. Somebody clearly made this thing and sewed it shut. Those same stitches, however, would provide an ideal place to fatally disassemble this creature without compromising its pelt any more than it already was. Assuming, of course, that he could get close enough to cut them. That might be easier said than done, however, he concluded as the bear-boar began to charge, hurling its massive claws at the vampire. First, Argus used his blood magic to spray a stream of his own blood in the monster's eyes, as to impair its vision. Then as it drew close, the pirate slashed at the underside of the first paw to come towards him, seeking to both turn the blows aside and hopefully lacerate an artery. The next paw to come at him would receive the same attack. This would be much easier if he wasn't trying to leave a serviceable pelt, he thought. [@Rune_Alchemist]