One reason why I don't like discord for long messages (let alone posts) is because it does not place a space between multiple messages by the same author. If I just slam enter every time I want a paragraph break, there actually [i]isn't[/i] a break. It mashes everything together into a giant word wall. The most effective way I've found to "brute force" paragraph breaks is to do a paragraph break and then start to type the next paragraph. But then I have to guess when to end the message, and it can look weird if I guess wrong and there's too many/few words, and then I need to wonder how it looks on other screens- I mean I'm probably nitpicking, but that's just it. There's really not that big a difference between the two mediums. What makes one more attractive than another comes down to what bells and whistles you want with your RP experience. For me, I just wanna write something up on my computer and post it with little to no fuss. I don't want to get distracted by an active chat room, DMs, or any of that other stuff that discord roleplayers [i]want[/i] as part of their RP experience. When I'm writing, I just turn on some music and write. Of course I use discord, but those little red bubbles are pretty good at distracting me. I usually leave it off while I write. I think my displeasure for discord RPing has mellowed in the four years since I last posted here, But it's just not how I like to write. But if you do like to RP on discord, I say go for it. If you think it's something you might enjoy you're probably already doing it. It's not like you have to pick one over the other either.