[h3]Mella[/h3] [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze] [hr] "Fruits and seeds...I see." Simple enough request. She'll just take it out of Lord Reginald's dinner requests since this was his fault she was now saddled with quite a troublesome creature. As for actual care? Well, it'd probably be fine. She would buy a cage for it, she couldn't very well let it sit on her head all the time, especially when working. "Well, if you happen to have a cage - the most luxurious and expensive one you have on you I'm sure lord Reginald will be more than happy to pay top dollar for it. I can't very well work with this thing sitting on my head all day." Mella responded, flashing Reginald a look that clearly indicated that it was his fault. "I suppose I will also have to add those to the shopping expenses when we finish our shopping. Which I very much would prefer to get back to then dallying about with an avian making a nest on my head."