Mom and Dad that were mauled by beasts in her early life? For a human that must be rough. Akyasha thought on that for a few short seconds until Julene brought up her sibling like relationship with a Gilles. "Hmm. I see." The vampire mentioned, trying to think of her past. She couldn't remember much of anything before she had become a vampire. Hell, she couldn't even remember how long ago that was. And then, Julene asked about her family. "That's a fair question to ask, especially when I brought it up first." She pondered the question for a few seconds before opening her lips again. "Truthfully, my memories are slightly vacant. I have no recollection of my childhood nor my actual age by number. If I were to assume, my parents were dead far before I had lost them or I would have found some clue. No other family by birth with that in mind. The only real family I have are those I travel with now." The redheaded vampire said with a small amount of somber tone to her voice. "Well, the past is the past. It's unchangeable by most accounts aside, perhaps, long dead gods." Akyasha went silent again as she didn't have much more to add to that topic. She thought about how this human had connections with one Gilles but didn't mention anyone else. It seemed her relationship with Gilles was more of one between brother and sister than anything else... Still, it didn't hurt to probe and see if she had any other close relationships. "Asides this Gilles, is there anyone else in town you're close with? Truthfully, I'm almost surprised no one came to check on you after what happened with that house. Then again, I guess there were some other troubles happening."