[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230324/da782aa7a273bb16374d72a49e3751d3.png[/img] [sub][b]Interacting With:[/b][@Ithradine][/sub] [/center] [hr] [color=lightgray]Elevinthia always made a specific point to ride her own horse to and from everywhere she was required to be. She nary employed carriage or ferry - only when required by savoir-faire. She spared herself any servants or ladies-in-waiting. Those, to her, were the affairs of others, who could not in turn showcase even the slightest willingness to perform the most basic of tasks. That was a clear discomfort; One that Elevinthia had no interest in displaying, and one less weakness to parade about like it were something to take pride in. No - Lady Elevinthia performed most all of her own duties no matter how trivial, and made sure to let this be known: She was not one to be treated like a whelping schoolgirl, nor the likes apropos delicate princesses of faraway courts. She took specific time to note all of her perspective classmates, eyeing them all up, one by one. She had to levy her eyes downwards to get a full view of most all of them: To be expected. Elevinthia couldn't hide her satisfied smirk. There was little hiding the fact that she took great pleasure in her immense height, and always found it so delightfully quaint when no others could quite measure up to her stature. At the end of her visual tour, Lady Pernachis cupped he hands together as she concluded and left, if not satisfied, then at least placated at what she had seen. Only the largest of the bunch - a hulking mass of a man - matched her in height. Elevinthia frowned, noting the sheer magnitude of his bearing...and how she did not quite match. Humph. Secretly, she doubted his status as a student, believing that he was rather a retainer of some ilk, but soon dismissed the thought in her mind and simply made notice of the fellow before she had moved on. Another had caught her eye, for lack of good grace in speaking, she thought with a light chuckle. The white-haired gentleman had his eye missing. Elevinthia hoped dearly it was for disease or accident - not for lack of skill. There was some mixture of what to think on this fellow, for part of her had felt some sympathy for the man, but only in the abstract: Elevinthia did not particularly [i]care[/i] for whatever the station or feeling that he was feeling - here and now - but only in the story of how he came to be of monovisual constitution. She knew better than to ask directly. There were more familiar faces to come, adjoined on their sides and in backgrounds. Another caught her curiosity: A raven-haired man, where he made general pleasantries to those in his company in light tones. Her eye slanted, narrowing to suspicion. To her, he had seemed oddly familiar, as if she had seen him before in passing, long, long ago. Yet she could make no recall of wherever this occasion was, and was left only with the hazy inkling. She would find out later, she noted, and moved her gaze onward throughout the little band. She felt a compulsion to act on her instinct, wanting to know just where this hazy instinct came from. Elevinthia made ordained approach unto him, introducing herself with all the details in line: Proper, with a slight grin so just as to be warm but not assertive - with her posture so perfectly straight as to let it be known that she still [i]just[/i] inched above him.[/color] [COLOR=e6c12e][b]"Quite the lot, don't you think?"[/b][/color] [color=lightgray]she introduced, flashing him a perfectly-practiced smile. Elevinthia offered him her hand.[/color] [COLOR=e6c12e][b]"Elevinthia, of Pernachis. Have we been acquainted, perchance?"[/b][/color]