[color=gray][CENTER][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070792705547980842/1079948061868048414/Katja_Banner.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=SILVER][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Pacific Royal Collegiate & University[/I] - [I]Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=SILVER][b]The Homecoming Trials #1.34:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Cry Of The Banshee[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=SILVER][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Trace [@psych0pomp], Cassander [@Lord Wraith] [/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=SILVER][b]Previously: [/b][/COLOR] [I]I Want Out[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT]Katja sheepishly entered the room after her initial wave of embarrassment subsided due to Trace’s seemingly nonchalant reaction. It’s not that she’d never seen anyone show some skin or whatever. But with all the excitement of the upcoming Trials and such, encountering Trace was just unexpected. [color=#FF7514]”Yeah, sorry for the overreaction.”[/color] Katja said with a slightly embarrassed chuckle while scratching the back of her neck as she walked over to her bunk to pick up her PT gear. [color=#FF7514]”Just had my mind on something else is all.”[/color] She followed Trace’s example and turned her back towards them while changing her clothes. The silence in the room was a bit awkward, but Katja was used to it. Ever since her being a Hype became common knowledge at school there’d always be an awkward silence whenever she was in a room with someone else. Though this one was slightly different, less tense. So really, she didn’t mind it as much and didn’t linger on it for too long as she got out of her school uniform and into her PT gear. Katja had just put on her running shorts when Trace walked past. Besides wishing her good luck, they had a rather peculiar request from Katja… One involving Banjo’s “crown jewels”, as they put it. Her mind conjured an image of grapes being crushed by a wrecking ball. An image that made her visibly wince for a fraction of a second. Clearing her throat, Katja put on a sheepish smile. [color=#FF7514]”I’ll euhm… I’ll see what I can do about that.”[/color] Finishing the sentence off with an awkward chuckle. [color=#FF7514]“Oh, and good luck to you as well!”[/color] she called after Trace as they were just about to exit the room. Now being alone, Katja took her time putting on her training shirt and sneakers. She quickly checked how she looked in a mirror as she put her hair in a bun. The PT gear was a bit of a tight fit in certain areas, particularly the arms and thighs, but nothing that’d be a hindrance. After finishing up her hair and with enough time to spare, Katja casually made her way to the assembly area they were told to gather for the pick-up to the Homecoming Trials site. It only took a couple minutes of waiting before their transport arrived, and with it came Blackjack’s faculty reps Jim and Tad. While she couldn’t really get a good read on tad yet, Jim’s lively character made her instantly like the guy. It didn’t take long before the other team’s reps showed themselves. While Aaron, as Jim introduced him, didn’t seem too bad, Ryan looked like she could use a hand with the stick up her ass. Folding her arms, Katja listened to Ryan’s denigrating tone as she spoke about Team Blackjack. Observing Ryan messing around with Tad, Katja narrowed her eyes and slowly nodded to herself. [i]I can take her.[/i] Breaking her stare at Ryan, Katja looked over at Team Eclipse. She had seen one or two of them in the dorm house before, but never struck a conversation with any of them. While she didn’t feel any animosity towards them 5 minutes ago, Ryan’s attitude changed all of that. If there’d be any direct competition with them, Katja made it her mission to grind them into the dirt. Just to wipe that smug smile from Ryan’s lips. With introductions over, heads cooling and Jim’s instructions clear, Katja decided to ride shotgun next to the American. She liked his Southern charm, which reminded her a lot of her uncle. But, as became painfully obvious during the ride over to the campsite, [i]some[/i] people seemed to think it was a bit much. Banjo sat in the back of the truck and was laughing his ass off at almost every word that left Jim’s lips. Katja looked down at her hand, balling it into a fist as she was reminded of Trace’s request from earlier. [i]Perhaps I will Trace…[/i] Looking out of the window, the noise of the Howling Cliffs caught Katja’s attention. How couldn’t it? It was an awesome thing to experience, almost making her forget about the cackling Australian in the back. To think that someone could shape their surroundings to produce something like was amazing in and of itself, but the fact that they could openly do it without any repercussions was truly mind boggling to her. The banshee’s scream finally drove the point home to Katja. They seemed to be truly free here. They, Hypes, could live here without fear of persecution, fear of hatred. And if it was possible here, on some remote island, then it meant that it should be possible anywhere. As long as there was enough of a drive to accomplish it. With those thoughts stuck in her head it took until they finally drove up the camping grounds before the approaching storm finally caught Katja’s attention. Seeing the dark rolling clouds in the distance tempered some of her excitement, as she feared that the whole thing would be called off. After hopping out of the truck, those fears were quickly quelled as Jim’s speech seemed to hold little doubt that the Trials would continue. The prospect of food and sports games instantly motivated the young South African to get the tents set up. Getting to the back of the truck, Katja picked up one tent set and hoisted it over her shoulder as she made her way over to whatever seemed like a suitable spot for a tent. As she walked past Tad she picked up that one of her fellow team members, Makenna if she was not mistaken, mentioned something to him about not wanting any red meat. [i]Well, It’d be a shame if it went to waste, right?[/i] Not wasting a second, Katja walked up to Tad, the tent set casually resting on her shoulder. [color=#FF7514]”Hey erm, Tad?”[/color] She said to him with a slightly mischievous smirk on her lips. [color=#FF7514]”If she doesn't want any red meat, can I have it instead? I’m a growing girl after all.”[/color] Her smirk turned into a grin as she finished with a cheeky wink. Looking over next to Tad, she saw the boy who she thought was called Cassander standing next to him. They hadn’t really been properly introduced yet. Come to think of it, she hadn’t properly introduced herself to anyone in her team yet. And if there was ever a moment to start introductions, now would be as good as any. Turning towards Cassander, Katja casually waved her hand to get his attention. [color=#FF7514]”Heya broer!”[/color] she said with that grin still half on her face. [color=#FF7514]“If we’re going to be a solid team we should first get to properly introduce ourselves, right?”[/color] She extended her free hand towards the boy. [color=#FF7514]“I’m Katja, Katja Kruger.”[/color] Looking over and around the boy, she noticed that he seemed to be alone. [color=#FF7514]“You euhm, got a tentmate yet?”[/color] shaking the tent set on her shoulder to emphasize the question. 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