[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] The necromancer managed to survive Gerard's attack, his chest caved in but still evidently clinging to life. Fortunately, Fanilly stepped forward and shut that dead-defiling windbag up for good. With the necromancer dead, his minions would fall with him. Erich would no doubt follow, although it was warmed Fleuri's heart to see that the famed Demonbreaker would return to death not as a necromancer's defiled puppet, but as the shining knight that he was in life. Armand Jodeau would surely be proud that his arms were used in this victory. This ought to be be recorded the books, Fleuri felt. After the War of the Red Flag, the account of the Demonbreaker breaking free of a necromancer's hold and returning to his former glory to bring about the death of his tomb's desecrator was a tale that needed to be told, to serve as a reminder that even in its most disgraced hour, the heroism of House Cazt never died. As for the lightning witch, she made no effort to continue to fight. For all intents and purposes, she was defeated. However, Fleuri still had his word to keep to Alfrid. [color=A0A0A0]"Captain, I believe she's speaking the truth,"[/color] he spoke up. [color=A0A0A0]"That warrior...Alfrid...in his last moments, he asked to not drag her any further into this, said that she's only here because of him. Just someone who got involved in the wrong crowd at the wrong time."[/color] The authorities wouldn't be able to let her go, of course, but if both she and Alfrid spoke the truth, she wouldn't deserve to be treated as a ringleader of this conspiracy. [@VitaVitaAR]