[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [H3]Home of Tears[/h3] [@Scarifar] Rubick [b]Word Count:[/b] 1,028 [b]Level 4 Ganondorf:[/b] 14/40 [b]Exp:[/b] 2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 16/40[/center] Unfortunately, Ganondorf had a bit of a wait to sit through this time. Apparently the rules for the fights had been updated and now all combatants had to agree to sip on a Dwarven Flask before entering the pit. It would keep them from suffering fatal blows, and once an opponent was K.O.'d the victor was obligated to use the Dwarven Flask they carried to get them back up on their feet, otherwise the victory and the prize were forfeit. On top needing to listen these new rules, there was already a fight going on and Ganondorf would have to wait for it to end before he had a turn to enter. That fight was between a [url=http://static.wikia.nocookie.net/versus-compendium/images/5/5c/Rash.png/revision/latest?cb=20200524194926]muscular humanoid toad[/url] and a [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/043/566/377/large/armando-contreras-heredia-slogra-final.jpg?1637647469]bony-looking reptilian with a large avian beak[/url]. The only one wielding a weapon was the reptile, with its long spear. It would make occasional leaps into the air and come back down onto its opponent with a downward spear thrust. But the toad-man was not helpless, in fact he was pretty quick on his feet - able to take quick leaps and bounds here and there to evade attacks. Ganondorf supposed to this made sense, given that he was a toad, or frog, or whatever. But he also had powers of his own. At one point he appeared to greatly enlarge his fist in order to knock away an incoming spear attack. He even tried to counter with a kick using a foot that transformed into a comically large boot. And that kick was strong too, able to leave a crack in the pit's wall. The two went back and forth like this for several moments. Then out of nowhere, the toad was able to catch the reptile's spear with enlarged hands and then swing around and through the creature into the wall. Before the spear-wielding fighter could recover from being winded, the toadman came crashing into him, headbutting the creature dead center while large ram's horns were grown from his head. Clearly he was strong, and able to enhance his strength by enlarging and transforming his limbs. But the Gerudo was confident that he could overpower him, and now that the fight was done, he'd get his chance. "Good people of the City of Tears!" came the voice of the announcer, "Returning from a string of victories he won yesterday, we have... Ganondorf! Now challenging our current King of the Pit: Rash, the Battletoad! Who will emerge victorious? Let's find out, lower... the gates!" [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a353jf0CQs[/youtube][/center] Ganondorf drew one of his large swords and strode out to begin the fight. The Battletoad was aggressive. He immediately made a big jump and attempted to crash down onto Ganondorf with an oversized boot stomp. The Gerudo managed to side-step out of the way and came back with a big swing of his sword, bringing blade down from above in a vertical slash. And that's when the toad surprised him by managing to catch the blade in oversized hands, a level of raw strength that even Ganondorf hadn't expected. And then by twisting his wrists, Rash tried to yank the Gerudo into a throw, only for Ganondorf to release his grip on the weapon's hilt to avoid being pulled off balance. He then reached for the white sword and pulled it from its scabbard. [Color=Red]"Hmph, not bad."[/color] He admitted aloud, only to come at the toad with even more ferocity. Rash gripped the hilt of the sword he'd wrestled from Ganondorf and the two fighters clashed. They swung and slashed at one another, usually able to guard or parry the other's attacks. Even after several moments, the most they managed was to occasionally nick each other for minimal damage. But Ganondorf began to notice something. Rash's attacks were ever slightly more sluggish than his own. This was likely the work of the heavy infusion giving the weapon a heavier weight than its appearance let on. And at one point Ganondorf's attack missed but managed to split a center pillar like a hatchet splitting a log. Good, that meant the infusion was indeed working, and was primarily the thing he was testing. Now he just needed to win this match. Thankfully for the Gerudo, he was more trained and experienced swordsman than the toad was. That allowed Ganondorf to parry an incoming attack with an upward slash to knock the sword out of Rash's grip. Then Ganondorf dropped his own sword and decided to settle this man-to-toad. He lunged at Rash with a charged up Warlock Punch, who responded in kind with an enlarged fist of his own. It was a seemingly epic clash, but only one of them bore the mighty Triforce of Power. And as such, Rash was sent sprawling into the pit's wall where he was winded and looking out for the count. Ganondorf knelt down and used the Dwarven Flask on his opponent as he had been instructed earlier. He could hear the announcer's booming voice, "Good people, we have a winner. All hail... Ganondorf!" but after gathering his two swords from where they lay, Ganondorf surprisingly offered a thumbs down to indicate he was retiring and choosing not to continue on. He only really wanted to test out the strength of his upgraded swords, and was able to get satisfactory results from fighting Rash. He had no other reason to drag out his time here. [color=Red]"And that's all there is to it."[/color] the Gerudo told Rubick as he passed him by on the way out, [color=Red]"Hope your battles go just as well. I'm going to go on ahead and look for the others. I'm sure we'll catch up a bit later."[/color] and with that the King of Evil collected his winnings and made for the ladder that would take him back to the Amusement Park. [hider=For Ganondorf]50 geo[/hider]