So I needed a space where my IRL friends and family wouldn't see my rantings. A place where I could voice my opinions to like minded people (or not). A place to store the frustrated rantings. I understand opinions will differ. I understand some things might be controversial. With everything going on in my country (U.S.A) and many others, I need a healthy way to express myself or I might, quite litterally start lighting things on fire...I do not wish to end up in jail XD.

All I ask is that we keep discussions and opinions civil (I don't really want this thread taken down for bullying). You may not agree with the views of others, if you don't that's fine as long as you are not horrendouly rude to others about it.

With all that said, I present to you the first letter of maybe many, both from myself, and hopefully others.

Dear Gen X’ers, Boomers and older,

We say this with absolutely no respect and no kindness. Step aside, your time is over. You have ripped this country to pieces and we are tired of listening to your voices. You claim this country is free and yet you continue to restrict so many things. You claim that everyone has an opportunity while continuing to repress anyone who is not a white, Christian, straight, biological males. You continue to insist that religion should not be taught in schools, unless of course it’s Christianity. You continue to not understand the separation of Church and State. You continue to try to push your beliefs on others. We, your children, the millennials and younger, are tired of you. Tired of you bitching and moaning and complaining that we don’t respect our elders. You are right, we don’t, because you continue to show us that you do not respect us. You seem to not understand that respect is earned, it is not something you are inherently given. Respect is mutual, not one sided. You continue to call us lazy, sensitive, disrespectful when we are simply discovering our worth. Why would we work hard in a system that doesn’t care about us? “When we were your age we worked 2 jobs, had a house, and a family.” You keep telling us. We can barely afford to keep ourselves alive, you think we want to bring children into the shit hole you created? It’s time to move aside, it’s time to shut your mouths, do not make us do it for you.

Now of course there are members of your generation that support us, that stand with us, that are trying to help us fix the mistakes of the past. That realize the system that was created is wrong. To you we say thank you. To you we say thank you for adapting to us, for recognizing that times are changing and so must you. Please continue to stand with us. Please continue to be an example, an inspiration, and a hope that the voices that have been begging to be heard for years have not fallen on deaf ears, not entirely. Please continue to lift our voices up. You have no clue how much it means to us and you may never know, but deeply, truely, thank you.

The Younger Generations (Your Children, Your Grandchildren)

We shall see how long this thread stays up I suppose…