[@Hedgehawk][@HaleyTheRandom] Got inspired to make a second character. [Hider=Tristan][center] [h1][b][color=SteelBlue]Tristan Bellamy Pearson[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/ba3c0f9384c22add471e0c033de8a4bb/9b0d5e949facfffa-85/s540x810/5acb407f619c4dce5a1beca9709e34cf579c3ebb.gif[/img][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/31d0bae10cbeb49f85d5ec3ca0300f56/9b0d5e949facfffa-71/s540x810/3c976ee35238e0e0b651c57318ed358da3aaed60.gif[/img] [i][color=Steelblue]Bob Morley | Character Color: Steelblue 'Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all'[/color][/i][hr] [/center] [Color=Steelblue][b]Name:[/b][/color] Most people call him Tristan. Close friends also call him Trist. When someone wants to annoy him, they use his middle-name. [Color=Steelblue][b]Gender[/b][/Color] Male [Color=Steelblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 26 [Color=Steelblue][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [Color=Steelblue][b]Witch or Warlock:[/b][/color] Warlock [Color=Steelblue][b]Schools of Magic:[/b] [Center]Invocation (7) Tristan has a flare for combining use of elements with other destructive spells. The elements that he first found himself mastering had been fire and water*ice* [b][i]Fire Storm:[/i][/b] Has the ability to summon and control a Fire-storm. It'll literarily be raining fire, in around a 60feet radius around him. Anything, or anyone in that radius will be effected and catch a-flame from the raining fire. Power is very draining, as it's requires lots of concentration and channelling to keep the magic flowing. Can last up to half an hour, until concentration is lost/or energy of magic caster is weakened. [b][i]Frostbite:[/i][/b] Requires close contact with target. His fingertips will turn immensely cold. A single touch, will inflict frostbite to enemy. Can use this ability on 2 in unison. Prolonged contact with target, will lengthen the duration of the spell. [i][b]Water manipulation:[/b][/i] Tristan had manipulate water in most ways he sees fit; whether it's creating a big chunk of ice, freezing a lake, summoning a 30ft wave or creating icy weapons. He can also temporarily encase an enemy in an icy prison. Two enemies at once can be trapped. The spell lasts until Tristan or other Witch/Warlock with the same ability breaks the spell. Or he uses that ability on a third person. [i][b]Cone of Cold/Wortex:[/b][/i] Summons a very ice-cold air in the form of a 30ft cone in front of him. On a naturally windy day, it can sometimes shift into a ice-cold vortex. The Vortex does on occasion allow whomever is trapped within it, to hover mid-air. [i][b]Magic Missile:[/b][/i] Manipulates magical energy into the form of shooting missiles. Can control 3 at a time. Magical missiles fly up to 130 yards. Limited by how many missiles he can create per minute. His record had been 6 in a minute; before he was unable to use the spell for a while. [img]https://media.tenor.com/InuoWtfXI3oAAAAC/percy-jackson-water.gif[/img] [/Center] [/color] [hr] [Center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4516eeb52b41a5286f3bc926597df868/tumblr_inline_p7r3shNw3U1sccn28_400.gifv[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b97002e5b8277758acdac2ac6cfc5f3a/tumblr_inline_p7r3shUw7H1sccn28_400.gifv[/img][/Center] [Color=Steelblue][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [Center]Dependable [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Stubborn [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Old Fashioned [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Short-Tempered [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Resourceful [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Impatient [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Charming [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Self-Critical [Color=MediumSeaGreen]♣[/Color] Experimental[/Center] [Color=Steelblue][b]History/Bio:[/b][/Color] Born and raised in Tanner, Tristan is the eldest of 4 children to Alaric Pearson (Magi) and Emma Pearson (Warlock). Magic being in his blood. When Tristan was 3 years old; his mother gave birth to twin boys. Then another 2 years later after the twins, followed the birth of the baby of the family. Tristan's little sister. The Pearson family had lived in Tanner, for centuries; having differently skilled witches and warlocks born into the family. Most witches and warlocks in the Pearson family focused on Illusion and Abjuration magic. Tristan being the first in many decades that showed a promising future towards Invocation magic. The Pearson's being quiet a wealthy family; so all of Alaric and Emma's children didn't have to want for much, growing up. Both saving up funds for all four of their children. As the Pearson siblings grew up; Tristan took magic out of them most seriously. The twins never showing much interest in trying to hone and learn about their magical abilities. Once his sister got older, she showed promise to learning quickly, but still falling behind her big brother. Tristan himself being a quick learner and at times liking to experiment with his abilities/spells/potions, what have you. If someone's missing something; chances are that Tristan knows where it is, or can provide it. From the age of 18 to 22, he spent in New York getting decent higher education. Eventually getting a degree in science. Mainly as a back-up plan, if he ever decided to pursue a science career. But because of his natural attunement to magic, his parents expected him to work for the coven. Despite the cushy fund they gathered up over the years for him and his siblings; Tristan took a part time job in Tanner's well known and popular diner. Not wanting to entirely rely on his parents. It's been like that for the past 4 years. Being happily independent and only dipping into the fund when needed. [Color=Steelblue][b]Misc:[/b][/Color] Owns a Shepherd Pup called [url=https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F47%2F2021%2F04%2F29%2Faustralian-shepherd-full-body-635701178-2000.jpg&w=272&h=272&c=sc&poi=%5B940%2C679%5D&q=60]Destiny[/url] Part time job at Jackson's Diner. Marvel Fan: Ironman and The Winter Soldier are his favourites. Has a sweet-tooth; cookies, cakes and pies mainly. Likes tinkering in the Coven's alchemy lab. Protective over his baby sister Lydia. His middle siblings are twin brothers Cody and Maverick. Black belt in Karate.[/Hider]