[center][color=#3BD12A][b]H A R U O K I M U R A[/b][/color][/center][indent][sub][color=#3BD12A][b]Location:[/b][/color] [i]Basement Bedroom, Kimura Residence[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#3BD12A][b]Timeframe[/b][/color] [i]Early morning[/i][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][indent][sub][color=#3BD12A][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color] [i]None[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#3BD12A][b]Previously:[/b][/color] [i]N/A[/i][/right][/sup][/indent] Light was just starting to come through the small window of the back bedroom of the basement when the sound of mechanical bells made itself known. Harry Kimura rolled over in bed, his right hand struggling to find where he had placed his phone on the nightstand. Once it was found, the alarm was immediately shut off, Harry groaning as he forced himself up and out of the covers. His eyes were still unfocused in the early state of awakening, his head also spinning a little as he placed his feet on the floor. Glancing at his nightstand, Harry was reminded why he had slept so badly. Sitting there was a hardcover copy of [i]Even Angels Cry[/i] by Jacqueline Nord, one of Harry’s late mother’s most celebrated novels. The beast of a book was not new reading for Harry, as he had definitely read his parents stories before. But back during his moody teenage days he wasn’t able to fully enjoy the books. He was too busy trying to forge his own path, and not just be the son of two popular authors. But ever since he returned to town four months ago, Harry couldn’t help but feel nostalgic about his life here in Huddeen. That included his parents’ writings, which he had been staying up to binge read each night ever since the whole zombie apocalypse started. Thanks to trying, and failing, to finish the book in one night, Harry had only got two hours sleep before his alarm sounded. While he wished to ignore it, Harry knew he had obligations to his community, or at least his street as the rest of the community were probably eaten by now. But Harry pushed those dark thoughts from his mind as he rose to his feet and left the basement bedroom that had been his back when he lived here full time. As he made his way up the wooden steps to the main level, Harry called out, [color=#3BD12A]“You up Kit?”[/color] [color=#E39C0E]“Yeah, just going for my morning jog,”[/color] was the reply. Harry then heard the front door close as he reached the main floor. Right next to the steps was the kitchen, a modestly sized one. Still feeling lethargic, Harry decided against making a proper breakfast. Instead he pulled out a box of corn flakes cereal and poured himself a bowl. As he crunched on the flakes, Harry went over what he had to do today. It was mostly inspecting the barricades that kept Mulberry Street defended, cataloging all the cars and machinery that the neighbors had and could still be of use. Once done eating, Harry washed his few dishes before walking over to the bathroom. By now the undead were close enough to the street that their moans filtered into all nearby houses. The noise the creatures made Harry feel sick, so he felt that he really needed a hot shower. Once in said hot shower, Harry’s mind drifted back to his girlfriend and all the other people who were close to him in the big city. With what he had heard was going on in the city, Harry knew that there was a good chance that they were dead. But Harry pushed those musings away, trying his best to focus on the hear and now. [hr][hr] [center][color=#E39C0E][b]K I T A R O K I M U R A[/b][/color][/center][indent][sub][color=#E39C0E][b]Location:[/b][/color] [i]Small Bedroom, Kimura Residence[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#E39C0E][b]Timeframe[/b][/color] [i]Early morning[/i][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][indent][sub][color=#E39C0E][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color] [i]None[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#E39C0E][b]Previously:[/b][/color] [i]N/A[/i][/right][/sup][/indent] Kit Kimura had awoken several hours ago to the sound of what seemed to be an explosion coming from in town. It had jolted him out of his bed on the left side of the main floor, Kit stumbling to his feet. Wondering if this meant the military had arrived, Kit left his house and ran outside barefoot. Only to be greeted by nothing. Whatever made the noise hadn’t reached Mulberry Street, as only a handful of neighbors had even bothered to get up and see what was going on. After a few minutes Kit returned to his home, still trying to figure out what was going on. He wanted to go see what it was, but there were strict rules about leaving the safe zone at night. Kit considered waking up his older brother, who had to be a very deep sleeper to not hear the clattering, but felt he shouldn’t bother him. He already had plenty to deal with as the head of the household and as one of the more educated survivors. So Kit returned to his bed, but quickly found that he could not rest. Adrenaline pumped through his body as he lay there, staring at the plain white ceiling. Time seemed to pass both fast and slow paradoxically, and before Kit knew it, his phone let out an alarm of K-Pop music. Kit immediately got up and threw on some athletic clothes, before making his way over to the front door. From the basement below, Kit could hear, [color=#3BD12A]“You up Kit?”[/color] As he opened the front door, Kit replied, [color=#E39C0E]“Yeah, just going for my morning jog.”[/color] That was technically the truth as Kit had incorporated a morning jog into his routine for several years now. It was one thing that he actually had learned at school, how to keep himself healthy, gym class ending with a much better grade than other classes. So Kit began to run along the side of the road, passing by the houses of other survivors. He even saw the local Doctor walking her dog. Kit had yet to learn her name as back when his parents were alive, they would take him to a doctor in the city. After a decent amount of exercise, Kit reached his destination, the wall blocking off Mulberry Street from the rest of Huddeen. Yet, even from here, Kit couldn’t see what caused the noise in the middle of the night. That frustrated the young adult to no end. If there really was help coming, shouldn’t the people of Mulberry be looking for said help? Kit wanted to bound over the wall and investigate, but knew he was woefully under equipped. The most dangerous item in the Kimura Household was a baseball bat, as Kit’s parents didn’t believe in guns. That and it would be breaking all kinds of rules. So the best Kit could do was try and form a search party. But that would require others signing off on doing this, and there was barely anyone around at this time in the morning. Kit decided to give it a few hours for others to get up, so he turned back around and slowly returned home. But the idea that this was an important thing to investigate was still nagging at the back of his mind.