[center][h2]Vel Arrianus[/h2][/center] You do not have to do this. There are other ways of proving yourself. Why must you do this, brother? This and more questions made by his family that echoed and repeated in his head. As Vel sat in his room alone at the family estate. Sitting on his bed while looking down at the floor with his eyes closed and his hands on his head. Is this an easy choice to make no, are there other ways of achieving his goals maybe, and does he have to do this? The answer to that question he already knows and an answer that his family does not treat lightly. True, he did manage to convince his family to get their blessing for this, but he can clearly tell that it was not an easy one to do despite being the youngest of his family and the least likely to achieve anything of value. Vel was still loved by his family, and they were not keen to see one of their members go off to Ordai'el and perhaps never come back. However, chances are that he will never come back from Ordai'el. Like the others that have been sent before them. Still, that dream he had, that dream from just nights ago. It was so vivid, and he could just see Ordai'el just how he remembered it. The sights, the sounds, and the hospital where he spent two years at. Full of patients and doctors of the highest quality. Where he learned how to mend basic wounds as he recovered from his own illness. Was it chance or luck that spared him being trapped in that city as the fog devoured it. He may never know, but one thing he is sure about is that he has to try. Vel opened his eyes and moved his right hand down from his head to gaze at the ring he had. It was not a unique or luxurious one as one that a noble like him would wear. A simple one, it is, but it bears the symbol of Dhorbris, and it was a gift from one of the doctors that he met while he was at the hospital in Ordai'el. That ring means more to him than others would think, and his value of it is something he does not really talk about. But it gives him strength and it reminds him of the duty he must do. In the end, he knows one thing about going to Ordai'el. Vel knows that he must try, and even if he dies in the attempt, then it will be fine with him. As long as he honors his duty and go back to that hospital to see if this vision of his is still possible to achieve or if he has already failed. So Vel got stood up and kneed before his bed and prayed to Sedmis in a hushed tone. [color=LightBlue]"Lord Sedmis, may you grant me strength to honor my duty and to see it done."[/color] Then the sound of his door cracking open and the familiar voice of his sister, Naevia. Vel can feel the sadness in her voice, "Vel, it is time." Silently he got up and turned around to face Naevia, [color=LightBlue]"I am ready, Naevia, and let's never forget this night for as long as we live."[/color] "Sure, Vel," the sadness still in her voice, and the two walked down to the dining room where a party was about to start. This was his party, a farewell party that his parents had organized to honor his decision to go to Ordai'el. One last time to honor his life before going to Ordai'el, maybe never to return. He has some optimism in him despite the odds. Small, but it is there and for the whole night. Vel, his family and his friends, and some nobles from the city partied. There was song, dance, games of skill, and merriment. A night that the people in it would never forget, and it felt to Vel like he was already dead. Gone to some afterlife where there was nothing but this. But this, alas, this was life, and when it was over. There was one last toast for Vel, and then people retired to their rooms as the servants cleaned up the mess. As Vel retired to his room and prepared to sleep. He made one last prayer to Wether that she watch over his family while he is gone. Then gazing at his ring once again before uttering a single phrase in a hopeful tone, [color=LightBlue]"I will see you again in one way or the other."[/color] So now he went to sleep, and tomorrow there will be one last sendoff before leaving for Ordai'el. Vel knows that he may never see his home again, but he is at peace now. He is ready, and all he needs to do now is honor his duty and maybe save Ordai'el. That is all he can do now, is to try.