Location: Airedale Keep, Meeting Room [@VitaVitaAR][@Crimson Paladin][@BrokenPromise][@Pyromania99][@Guy0fV4lor] [hr] Sorcha had already made her way back to the throne room by the time Luana had made it. The queen walked up to her throne, as simply elegant as it was for now as she’d proceed to sit upon it. [color=fff79a]“Luana. Kneel.”[/color] Gone was the slightly jovial nature the queen typically wore, and now it was replaced with her full authority as a queen, a sight rarely shown to her knights. The few servants that were around quietly made their way to the edges of the room. [color=fff79a]“You stand before me, Sorcha Mulryan…Queen, Sorcha Mulryan. Of your own accord, seeking an audience. I have allowed you to stay here as a kindness for your help at Hjrelskins fall, but I am not a woman of infinite charity. If you intend to stay in Airedale, and are genuine with your endeavor to help me and my cause…then I have but a simple request.”[/color] She’d stand again, in front of her throne. [color=fff79a]“Swear fealty to me as your Queen. Above any God you serve, above any other mortal, you will serve me above all else.”[/color] The queen’s sky blue eyes seemed to shine with a slight glow as she spoke. [color=fff79a]“Speak thusly: I, Luana seek to serve Queen Sorcha Mulryan, above any God, mortal, spirit or beast. Upon betrayal, my life, shall be forfeit and my name stuck from any history or writing may the Queen forgive me.” [/color] Hrelskin Fall’s Village Nighttime [hr] [hider=Bonus content] Night had fallen over the village, the calm, quiet chirping and sound of nighttime animals the only sound heard amidst the trees and the village. The fellsong of the Unseelie had been dealt with, leaving many of the villagers eager to celebrate. Many had gathered at a local tavern, eager to drink away and finally speak of their recent troubles without a care. They, could not hear the sound of approaching hooves on the soft earthen road that led through their village…nor did they notice the thick mist, slowly rolling into the village. But soon…both the hoofsteps, and the fog, would pass. No one the wiser of its presence as it made their way into the forest. “...so the humans got to it first.” “It would…seem that way, sir.” “Unfortunate. Queen Nicnevin will be displeased.” A heavy, armored step would meet the ground as it dismounted from its steed, black and gold armor glinting softly in the moonlight. “...rest well, child of the fey.” “My lord, what shall we do now? Find the humans responsible?” “...nay, they were merely protecting their lands.” A hand was placed on the carcass of the fallen tree. “...we must find who has been making these things. Thankfully, it seems…the humans left that part to us.” Faster than eyes could see, a blade was drawn. Grass, severed at knee height. Long gashes carved into wood of trees. “Weah!” A cry of surprise, from behind. “You could at least warn a fella before you go off and try you know, beheading them.” A young looking girl, one that the knights that had come here before would have met in the supposedly abandoned house. “I must say, I am impressed you managed to hide among those humans for so long...traitor to the fairy court of the Ancient Wood. You will come quietly.” “Sorry, I think I’ll pass on having the queen's lapdog drag me all the way to the wood to be lectured by some old, washed up hag that can’t even move any more.” “...your insolence will provoke nothing. Soldier. Watch the village. There may be more lurking.” The skeletal knight would bow, before running off into the forest towards the village. “You will submit. And you will speak what you know, welp.” “I think I’ll pass.” “Then you leave me with no choice.” That night, the villagers would spread rumors of the sound of some fairy burning down the old, abandoned house where the man and his daughter had disappeared from… Harzelslack Castle [hr] “As you have, my lord, we dealt with a ferocious Wyvern with scales black as night. If not for the knights of Airedale and their queen we would have likely not been able to defeat such a beast.” “Don’t sell yourself short, Sir Lonan. You and your fairy steed performed admirably, I am certain.” Within the large castle that served as Harzelslack’s seat of power, a meeting had been called between the king and its highest ranking knights. “Your too kind, your majesty.” Lonan replied. “But I am aware of my own faults and shortcomings. There is no way I could have slain that beast without their help.” “Be that as it may, you and Grainne survived and I doubt those knights could have handled it without your help, either.” A frown. “...but this is troubling, regardless. I suppose its about time for them to show up if the prophecies are to be believed.” “Very true, your highness…still. For something so ferocious, we’ll need to figure out how to handle it. There may be more.” “Do not worry, I will not shy away from asking their assistance in this. If House Reinhardt has joined this queen Sorcha and Airedale, then that is their decision. It would be folly to not ask for their assistance. Still…something about this is bothering me.” “Meaning what your highness?” “Hmm…I’m sure its nothing, sir Lonan. Lady Morgan?” “Yes, my lord? I have already sent my apprentice with a missive to meet with their court witch as well as request a diplomatic talk about the spoils from that dragon.” “Ahead of my requests as always.” He chuckled. “But, there is one more thing I want to ask you.” “Yes, my lord?” “Your son, have him investigate the Wyverns sources would you? I have a feeling there’s more to this.” “...If it is your request, I can’t refuse.” [/hider]