[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230120/a43c1391d36ad41d7b3afa38147dbe11.png[/img][/center] You know? Japanese people apparently have surprisingly hardcore folklore, like they used to view the concept of death as a pretty common thing, oh you disrespected some random spirit, well congrats! now your entire dynasty is cursed to die before reaching twenty and in pretty fucked up ways to finish the entire thing, you are welcome by the way. So yeah I think I prefer the tells of my homeland, at least they are just of people being assholes and getting their due rather than being unlucky. Not to say that they aren't [i]good[/i] just not my cup of whatever I choose to drink. Still, they lead to some weird ass dreams after his shift ended and he finally went back to sleep after waking the next people for their watch, he hoped Joji had gone to sleep as well, the guy looked somewhat okay but one never knows. Waking up was the same as in the beginning on his turn for the watch, a small period of time where he was not totally aware but neither was he asleep, a perfect balance that felt just surreal enough to make him miss having the capacity to make a cup of coffee at a moment notice, he even had trained his body to go through the motions in this state, ugh all that time wasted. When his mind finally catched up with the waking world he found himself helping clean the camp and saying his mornings to the others.