[quote=@Eviledd1984] Lol Golden Experience would be a good choice if your going for a healer type. Cream Starter would be another good choice as well. [/quote] I'm pretty biased towards punch ghost Stands, so I just don't vibe with Cream Starter at all. Also, GE appeals to me for not just the healing, but all the other abilities that simply didn't get the chance to have a lot of spotlight in the series beyond the first few episodes ([i]looking at you life-shot, damage reflecting lifeforms and shapeshifting the environment into life[/i]). It's not really that I specifically want a "healer-type" so much as a Stand that just happens to be able to heal; it's simply that barring Crazy Diamond, there's really no substitute for sheer healing power paired with other goodies than Gold Experience. One reason Sticky Fingers was a standout option was that it can at least "pseudo-heal" by zipping severed body parts back together while being strong enough in a straight fight to limit how much the user will get hurt in the first place. On another note, are there any setting changes we should be mindful of in particular when backstory crafting? Or things that still happened anyway (like the Joestar origins or, in fact, if the Joestars exist at all)? Or is this like a full breakdown and rebuild of the setting even outside the Stand redistribution? Seems like you're going for something like an alternate Part 7 type scenario almost (in the sense of being post-Joestar/Made in Heaven era).